
Sarakki lake in Bangalore is almost dead and needs quick action to be revived
This article by Sucheta Ramprakash describes the gradual deterioration of the Sarakki lake in Bangalore, which has now become a reservoir for untreated sewage Posted on 07 Jun, 2012 04:39 PM

Sarakki Lake, also known as Jagaranahalli Lake located in South Bangalore is one of the oldest lakes in Bangalore, and once upon a time one of the most glorious. It has now become a reservoir for untreated sewage and a dumping yard for the surrounding neighbourhoods. This lake was a source of water for four villages up until just a few years ago.

WASH United, Quicksand, IDEO, HatteryLabs, Südfeuer and WSP invite design ideas for the "Soap it Up" challenge-Submit designs by June 30, 2012
Posted on 07 Jun, 2012 01:10 PM

Soap it up

WASH United, IDEO, Quicksand, HatteryLabs, Südfeuer and the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) are looking for new and innovative design ideas for a handwashing station for rural Indian households.  A handwashing station that helps to turn handwashing from a dull duty to a happy and joyful experience.

Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council invites application for National Coordinator, India, Apply by June 29, 2012
Posted on 06 Jun, 2012 12:07 PM


Founded in 1990, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is a membership organization pecializing in sanitation and hygiene for poor people. The defining elements of WSSCC’s identity have remained constant during the 20 years of its existence. Its Members are its heart and soul, and its staff support them. Its vision is of a world where everybody has sustained water supply and sanitation and good hygiene. Its goal is to help achieve that vision.

The Water Supply and Sanitation Council (WSSCC) is looking for a National Coordinator (NC) for India for the next three years. This concerns a voluntary position with only small, partial compensation, with limited demands on time so that the position can be combined with a paid position. The NC will be instrumental in helping to shape WSSCC’s engagement in India in the years to come.

Centre for Environment Education invites application for Project staff to work on "Nature education camps", Bangalore, apply by June 22, 2012
Posted on 06 Jun, 2012 11:03 AM

Content courtesy: DevNet Jobs


Description: CEE India is an internationally acclaimed institution in the field of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). CEE, a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, works with stakeholder groups like Children, Youth, Communities and in-service professionals in urban and rural areas.

Job description:
CEE requires Project staff for our Southern Regional Cell to work on “Nature Education Camps” programme.

Himmothan Pariyojana's drinking water and sanitation (WATSAN) interventions in Uttarakhand
Rural development issues in Uttarakhand Posted on 05 Jun, 2012 10:32 PM

In 2001, the Himmothan Pariyojana (HMP) programme was initiated to work on rural development issues in collaboration with the Government of Uttarakhand, as formalised by a 10-year MoU between the two in 2004.

Tenda, a traditional system to draw water from open wells that is still practiced even today in Chattisgarh and Odisha
This article and video by Sachin Tiwale describes how farmers in Chattisgarh and Odush use the Tenda system to reduce labor and water the fields efficiently Posted on 05 Jun, 2012 10:00 PM

Two talukas, Jat & Atpadi, in Sangli district of Maharashtra face worst drought despite river Krishna flowing just 100 kms away
Drought has again hit large parts of Maharashtra this year. But the worst affected are two talukas in Sangli district Posted on 05 Jun, 2012 02:09 PM


National Institute of Urban Affairs invites applications for professor and assistant professor, New Delhi, Apply by June 22, 2012
Posted on 05 Jun, 2012 12:06 PM


National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is a premier institute for research, training and information dissemination in urban development and management. Established in 1976, as an autonomous body under the Societies Registration Act, the Institute enjoys the support and commitment of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, State Governments, urban and regional development authorities and other agencies concerned with urban issues.

I. Position: Professor

5th Climate Change International Conference 2012, Climate Change Network, June 8-12, London
Posted on 04 Jun, 2012 01:13 PM

Organiser: Climate Change Network

Venue:  London Eco Hotel,
            26 Brook St,
           W1K 5DQ,


