Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council invites application for National Coordinator, India, Apply by June 29, 2012


Founded in 1990, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) is a membership organization pecializing in sanitation and hygiene for poor people. The defining elements of WSSCC’s identity have remained constant during the 20 years of its existence. Its Members are its heart and soul, and its staff support them. Its vision is of a world where everybody has sustained water supply and sanitation and good hygiene. Its goal is to help achieve that vision.

The Water Supply and Sanitation Council (WSSCC) is looking for a National Coordinator (NC) for India for the next three years. This concerns a voluntary position with only small, partial compensation, with limited demands on time so that the position can be combined with a paid position. The NC will be instrumental in helping to shape WSSCC’s engagement in India in the years to come.

Job profile:
A WSSCC National Coordinator:

  • Is a senior sector professional, with a clear sanitation and hygiene focus
  • Has experience with and is positioned to engage at a national, strategic level
  • Has access to / is a member of existing sector coordinating mechanisms
  • Is a strategic thinker and networker, who enables and supports WSSCC’s strategic aims
  • Has the organizational / logistical back up required to fulfill the Terms of Reference.
  • Works for or through a leading not-for-profit organization/entity with a sanitation and hygiene focus and a broad geographic spread, which can provide basic administrative and logistics support and receive grants thereto from WSSCC/ UNOPS.
  • Is a national of the country he/she represents

WSSCC invites applications by anyone who feels they fit the profile and are eligible, irrespective of whether they are currently a WSSCC member or not. However candidates do need to be willing to become a WSSCC member.

While candidates working for international agencies may also be considered, WSSCC expressly invites applications from people working with / heading leading national NGOs. Candidates working independently (e.g. as sector consultants) may be accepted as long as they meet all essential criteria, especially those concerning organizational / logistical back up and ability to receive grants.

After careful consideration WSSCC has decided that the NC position is not appropriate for candidates from within government ministries. WSSCC considers national governments as partners and sees this as distinct from the National Coordinator role. Furthermore, to avoid conflicts of interest or confusion of roles, the following persons will not be eligible to take up the position of National Coordinator and need not apply:

  • WSSCC Steering Committee members
  • Global Sanitation Fund PCM Chair
  • Global Sanitation Fund Executing Agency (EA) manager (members of the EA team can be eligible)


Equity and inclusion are core themes for WSSCC and it aims to reflect this in its operational structure as well. Specifically, WSSCC will strive to ensure a gender balance in its appointments of National Coordinators.

Important date:  Apply by June 29, 2012

How to apply:
Interested candidates are requested to complete the attached National Coordinator Application Form and send it to the WSSCC Secretariat, along with an up to date CV, by no later than Friday 29 June 2012.

Selection process:
The WSSCC Secretariat aim to ensure a fair and competitive selection process. For any questions regarding the position or the process, please contact Carolien van der Voorden at the WSSCC Secretariat, on Carolien.vandervoorden@wsscc.org

Contact details:
Secretariat for WSCC
15 Chemin Louis-Dunant
1202 Geneva
Phone: +41-22-560-8184
email: sanitationleadership@wsscc.com
website: www.wsscc.org

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Post By: sucheethra