
Monsoon Regatta presents Waterscapes, Muse Art gallery, The Yacht Club of Hyderabad and Arghyam, June 23 to July 8, 2012, Muse Art Gallery, Hyderabad
Posted on 20 Jun, 2012 11:17 PM

Organiser: Muse Art GalleryArghyam, and The Yacht Club of Hyderabad

Venue: Muse Art Gallery
                 II Floor, Skyway
                 Hyderabad Marriott Hotel,
                 Hussain Sagar

World Wide Fund for Nature-India invites applications for Programme Manager- Communications Rivers for Life, Life for Rivers, Delhi, Apply by June 30, 2012
Posted on 19 Jun, 2012 10:24 PM


WWF-India has been working to promote harmony between human beings and nature for more than four decades.Today, it is recognized as a premier conservation NGO in the country dealing with nature conservation, environmental protection and development-related issues. At a time when the Web of Life has come under increasing threats, WWF-India's attempts have been to find and implement solutions so that human beings can live in harmony with nature, and leave for future generations a world rich in natural resources and natural wonders.

"Burning mountains": A first-hand account of the forest fires in summer in Uttarakhand
This article by Chicu Lokgariwar presents some information of the scale of forest fires in Uttarakhand, and a first-hand account of their impacts. Posted on 19 Jun, 2012 06:38 AM

Forest fires occur with distressing regularity in the Himalayan states in the summer. This article presents some information of the scale of forest fires in Uttarakhand, and a first-hand account of their  impacts.

Arghyam invites applications for a Manager for their Research division, Bangalore - Apply by July 10, 2012
Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 05:41 PM



Arghyam is a public charitable foundation setup with an endowment from Rohini Nilekani, working in the field of water and sanitation in India since 2005. ‘Arghyam’ is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Offering’. Our vision is “Safe, sustainable water for all”.


Arghyam is looking for full-time Manager, for their Research division, to be based in Bangalore.

Sanjeevani 108 An emergency ambulance service that serves as the lifeline of Chhattisgarh
Chhattisgarh is focusing on health care facilities seeds for which were sown last year in form of “Sanjeevani Express”, an emergency ambulance service Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 04:28 PM

Chhattisgarh brings to life the “gory” elements any state would fear – violence, struggle and bloodshed.  For over three decades Chhattisgarh and its people have been fighting with all this and have not lost – neither the battle nor the courage to keep combating.

Future at stake - The dismal picture of education in Bihar and Nitish Kumar's efforts to revive it
This article sheds light on the dismal state of the schools in Bihar that lack even basic facilities such as drinking water and sanitation Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 04:22 PM

“The current age is the era of knowledge and not of weapons, and only through education and knowledge can one break out of the abject poverty”. Wise words from Bihar’s Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, who believes that times have changed since his government took over: now is the time to pick up the pen and discover its power.

Rural Kashmir surviving in the dark age - Remote villages deprived of basic facilities
Inspite of strides made by India in development, the situation of rural villages in India, especially those lying on the borders of the country remains the worst of all Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 04:11 PM

Development of Indian cities in the recent past has been quite an eye-opener for the world. The world looks at India with pride today, be it in the medical, social, economical or cultural fields of development. Our natural resources are the envy of many nations but when we look at our villages in the 21st century, our heads hang in shame.

Parched Himalayan villages - The need to restore traditional methods of water harvesting
This article highlights the drinking water situation in the rural areas at the foot hills of the Himalayas Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 03:58 PM

On 6th March this year, the United Nations announced that the international target to halve the number of people who do not have the access to safe drinking water has been met, five years before the 2015 deadline.

"Rural voices: Unheard to empowered" Report of a conference held on 3rd May 2012 by IRRAD, Sesame Workshop India Trust and UNESCO at Gurgaon
This article by Amita Bhaduri describes the proceedings of a conference titled “Rural voices: Unheard to empowered”’ on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day Posted on 18 Jun, 2012 12:50 PM

The Institute of Rural Research and Development (IRRAD), Sesame Workshop India Trust and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) jointly organized a conference titled “Rural voices: Unheard to empowered”’ on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day 2012 on 3rd May, 2012 in

Background information for the Twelfth Year Plan: Reports of the Planning Commission working groups
This article includes the details of working group reports related to water, agriculture and environment by the Government of India Posted on 16 Jun, 2012 04:53 PM

The Twelfth Five Year Plan of the Government of India commences during the year 2012-13. This plan has been developed following the recommendations of a number of Working Groups covering 26 different areas.
