
Papers on wastewater treatment in Delhi by Elsevier publications
These papers look at the microbiological quality of treated wastewater in Delhi and the sources of microbial pollution during dry and wet weather in Delhi watersheds Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 05:47 PM

1.Reuse of treated sewage in Delhi city: Microbial evaluation of STPs and reuse options
Priyanka Jamwala,  Atul K. Mittal

Restoring groundwater in Punjab, India’s breadbasket: Finding agricultural solutions for water sustainability
This article sheds light on the current agricultural situation in Punjab, which is being threatened by unsustainable irrigation practices and a rapidly dropping water tables Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 03:01 PM

For Indians, the very mention of the word “Punjab” conjures up visions of lush green fields, rich alluvial soils and water aplenty. Punjab has for years been the breadbasket of India, and since the “Green Revolution” of the 1960s, it has taken on an even greater role in feeding the nation.

Putting the cook before the stove: A user-centred approach to understanding household energy decision-making- A case study of Haryana state, Northern India by Stockholm Environment Institute
This paper seeks to understand household cooking practices and the decisions that are made about energy options Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 12:50 PM

This working paper by the Stockholm Environment Institute seeks to understand household cooking practices and the decisions that are made about energy options. The aim is to show the way for the communities to use clean energy.

Report of the 4th national conference of the Forum of forest people and forest workers (NFFPFW): Dehradun, 26-28 May 2012
This article includes the proceedings of the Forum for forest people and forest workers organised at Dehradun Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 10:03 AM

Around 500 delegates from around 19 states and three neighboring countries Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal participated in the 4th National Conference on the Forum of forest people and forest workers organised in Dehradun on 26-28 May 2012. More than 80% delegates were from the forest communities. A summary report of this conference is presented in this article.

Electronics City Industrial Association manages water needs of the nearby villages in the area
This article provides the details of Electronics City Industrial Association, which manages water needs of communities in the surrounding areas Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 08:06 PM

Electronics City Industrial Association (ELCIA) was established in 1992. In 1997, the maintenance and upkeeping of Electronics City was handed over to ELCIA by the Karnataka State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (KEONICS), which handled the responsibility previously.

Environment Report Card of Bangalore, 2012 by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD)
This report sheds light on citizen’s perceptions on Bangalore’s environment and includes contributions from experts from the governmental and non governmental organisations Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 01:28 PM

This report by the Centre for Sustainable Development sheds light on citizen’s perception on Bangalore’s environment. It is a result of contribution by various government bodies, experts and organisation. This report has been divided into four chapters followed by a brief reference list.

Privatisation of water services in New Delhi : Myth and reality - Report by Water Privatisation - Commercialization Resistance Committee
This booklet argues that are attempts being made in India to privatise and commodify water, which is a retreat from our constitutional and economic duty and from our own human obligations Posted on 09 Jul, 2012 12:40 PM

Residents of Delhi have been protesting against privatisation of water atleast since 2005.

Disappearing sparrows of Delhi A film screening and public discussion in May 2012 by Toxics Link
This article by Amita Bhaduri describes the proceedings of a public discussion on the question of disappearing sparrows of Delhi organised at the India International Centre, New Delhi Posted on 08 Jul, 2012 05:20 PM

‘Poor indeed is the garden in which birds find no home’ - Abram L. Urban

A study on the issues of the inland fisheries and the policy framework governing the sector
Inspite of the immense potential of rainfed fisheries sector in India, fishing cooperatives have failed to function properly making it an unviable enterprise in the country Posted on 07 Jul, 2012 03:04 PM

Issue of Commons and institutional arrangements:

Dangers of organic farming: An alternative view from Subhash Palekar
In this video, Subhash Palekar discusses the findings of his research over the last eight years on the quality of soil Posted on 06 Jul, 2012 05:49 PM

In this video, Subhash Palekar discusses the findings of his research over the last eight years on the quality of soil and explains that the soil is naturally full of nutrients for plants, which is why trees grow and produce fruits and flowers in forests under natural surroundings without addition of chemical or even the organic fertilis
