Environment Report Card of Bangalore, 2012 by the Centre for Sustainable Development (CSD)

This report by the Centre for Sustainable Development sheds light on citizen’s perception on Bangalore’s environment. It is a result of contribution by various government bodies, experts and organisation. This report has been divided into four chapters followed by a brief reference list. The report presents a wide range of interesting statistics both in table and graph format on varied environmental issues as per citizen’s perception.

 Chapter 1 starts with a brief introduction to the report. The study took baseline information on the existing environment, citizens’ perception on the environment and the government’s efforts to mitigate the environmental problems. An elaborate description on the methodology used to carry out the survey is given along with the objectives and scope of the report is given in the chapter.

 Chapter 2 sheds light on the environmental issues of Bangalore. It gives a brief over view of the following issues:  water, ground water, waste water/sewage, drainage, air quality, solid waste, e-waste, traffic and transport, parks and tree cover, environment and health.

 Chapter 3 is on citizens perception and analysis of key issues. It goes on to describe the key environmental problems faced by the people as pointed out by citizens during the survey. It first analyses people’s satisfaction and then highlights the gap between citizen’s perception and factual situation.

 Chapter 4 is on conclusions and suggestions. It states that citizen’s awareness and knowledge level cannot be underrated as there has been a consistency in their answers on key issues. Further the chapter gives a brief summary of citizen’s perception and government efforts to address those problems.

 Click below to download the report.
