
A note on System of Rice Intensification practices in 13 states of India
Can the System of Rice Intensification be the answer to meet the country's future rice demand? A macro-level study covering 13 major rice-growing states indicates that fields with SRI have a higher average yield compared to non-SRI fields. Posted on 17 Feb, 2013 07:55 PM

Article Courtesy: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol - XLVIII No.8

Author(s): K Palanisami, K R Karunakaran, Upali Amarasinghe, and C R Ranganathan

Voices from the Waters calls for entries for its 8th International travelling film festival on water - Submit entries by May 30, 2013
Posted on 17 Feb, 2013 03:11 PM

Voices from the Waters-LogoOrganizers

Voices from the Waters

Bangalore Film Society in collaboration with Alliance Francaise de Bangalore, Maxmueller Bhavan, Bangalore, SVARAJ, Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF), Ithaca College, USA, Christ University, Bangalore, Visthar, Charter of Human Responsibilities, Samvada, Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy, YWCA, Bangalore, Pacific Asia Resource Centre (PARC), Tokyo and Water Journeys – Campaign for Fundamental Right to Water are presenting the 8th edition of Voices from the Waters 2013.

About the festival

Voices from the Waters is conceived as a travelling film festival. The selected films after being premiered in Bangalore will be taken to educational institutions, non governmental organizations, small towns and villages across India followed by discussions. This festival has established its relevance over the last seven years and has consistently been receiving entries for the festival from countries across the world underlining the global concern for water.

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development is looking to hire a Communications Specialist for their Knowledge Management and Communication programme - Apply by March 12, 2013
Posted on 17 Feb, 2013 01:54 PM


About The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

ICIMOD is a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge sharing centre serving the eight regional member countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.

Communications and dissemination lie at the heart of ICIMOD’s activities. The Centre publishes a wide range of materials every year to be shared with a diverse range of audiences.


Mountains are important global ecosystems facing especially rapid socioeconomic and environmental changes, particularly the impacts of climate change. Our aim is to influence policy and practices to meet the associated challenges emerging in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. Working to deliver impacts in five Regional Programmes across four Thematic Areas – Water and Air; Ecosystem Management; Livelihoods; and Geospatial Solutions – supported by integrated knowledge management, we seek to improve the lives and livelihoods of mountain women and men, now and for the future.

The role of sanitation in girl child education - A documentary film by HEEALS
Through the medium of documentary film and art, HEEALS tries to create awareness among the masses about girl child education, menstrual hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water Posted on 15 Feb, 2013 08:31 PM


The role of sanitation in girl child education - A documentary film by HEEALS

HEEALS is a vibrant civil society organization that aims to safeguard health, environment, education and livelihood to promote sustainable development of society. Through the medium of documentary film and art it is trying to create awareness among the masses about girl child education, menstrual hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water and attempting to relate how girl child education directly suffers due to bad sanitation facilities, unsafe drinking water and lack of knowledge to obtain the same.

Influence of anthropogenic contamination on fluoride concentration in groundwater: A study of Mulbagal town, Kolar district, Karnataka
Groundwater contamination is a serious, but relatively ignored issue in the country. This contamination occurs in either through geogenic or anthropogenic means. This paper analyses the Fluoride contamination, one such example of geogenic contamination, widely found in the Kolar district of Karnataka. Posted on 15 Feb, 2013 04:53 PM

Groundwater contamination is a serious, but relatively ignored issue in the country. This contamination occurs in either through geogenic or anthropogenic means. Fluoride contamination is one such example of geogenic contamination that is widely found in the Kolar district of Karnataka. However, the fluoride levels in the town of Mulbagal are lower than those in the surroundings. Earlier, a study was conducted on the impact of pit toilets on the groundwater in the area. The present paper investigates the presence of any link between these two phenomena.View of Mulbagal Town, Kolar District, Karnataka

Enhancing livelihoods through diversion-based irrigation (DBI) in Odisha: An AJSA initiative
To combat water scarcity and socio-economic deprivation through the effective use of water resources in Dudkarenga and Barbandha villages in Odisha, AJSA launched a Diversion Based Irrigation(DBI) initiative in kalahandi District of Odisha,to bring sustainable livelihood and address food security and climate justice in M.Rampur block of Kalahandi.
Now the DBI systems are providing irrigation to the earlier unirrigated area’s and has become the main source of livelihood to generation of people who have had land. It is also providing wage employment to the landless also.
Posted on 14 Feb, 2013 10:58 PM

Courtesy: Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan (AJSA), Odisha

Map of AJSA area of operation in Odisha

A map showing AJSA's area of operation in Odisha

To combat water scarcity and socio-economic deprivation through the effective use of water resources in Dudkarenga and Barbandha villages in Odisha, AJSA launched a Diversion Based Irrigation(DBI) initiative in kalahandi District of Odisha,to bring sustainable livelihood and address food security and climate justice in M.Rampur block of Kalahandi.

Now the DBI systems are providing irrigation to the earlier unirrigated area’s and has become the main source of livelihood to generation of people who have had land.  It is also providing wage employment to the landless also.

Corrosion induced oil pipeline leak in Chennai blows lid off two-year-old problem of CPCL pipeline and affects water table
A leak in an underground CPCL oil pipeline in Chennai, on February 8, 2013 set off panic among residents even as CPCL officials initiated action to plug the hole and clear the contaminated soil. Posted on 14 Feb, 2013 10:38 PM

Author: M Valliappan

Corroded oil pipes