GreenKarbon photography contest Expedition 5, GreenKarbon - Deutsche Bank - Submit entries by February 28, 2013

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Deutsche Bank GreenKarbon photography

About the contest

Somewhere outside daily routines, busy schedules and traffic jams, there’s another side to the city. And it’s not too far from home. It can be found on the sidewalks and cracks of walls; on trees in our backyards and hidden in lawns; on houseplants and sprawling parks. It’s a place where nature silently makes her mark in the chaos known as city life. It’s a place rich in biodiversity that’s just waiting to be discovered. By you and your camera.

The GreenKarbon photography contest - 'Shoot to Save' by Deutsche Bank is part of GreenKarbon, a unique biodiversity campaign that helps spread awareness on the important role nature plays in mitigating climate change.

Expedition 5: Opens on 11 January 2013. Closes on 28 February 2013.

The theme

This is not a wildlife photography contest. The objective is to capture biodiversity in the urban environment. Domesticated animals or those in cages don’t fit the bill. We’re looking for images that capture nature unrestrained in city spaces: trees, flowers, birds, insects, reptiles, animals. You could start looking in your local park, or even outside your window.

How to participate

The final expedition of the competition runs from 11 January 2013 to 28 February 2013. A participant may take part in this 5th expedition, even if they haven't participated in the previous ones.

Click here to register online


  • You have only one chance to upload a maximum of 3 images
  • Maximum image dimensions = 800 px by 600 px
  • Maximum image size = 800 KB


For this leg of the expedition, the prizes are:

  • The Judges' choice award: One lucky winner stands a chance to win a Canon 550D camera.
  • The Popular choice award: One photograph with the most number of ‘likes’ will win a special GreenKarbon gift hamper. The hamper will include a one-year free subscription to Sanctuary Asia Magazine, a cool GreenKarbon T-shirt and other goodies.
  • National showcase: The top 5 entries from each of the expeditions will be showcased at the Deutsche Bank pavilion at the Indo-German Urban Mela, as well as on their website, throughout the duration of the contest.
Event Date
Post By: Seetha
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