The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development is looking to hire a Communications Specialist for their Knowledge Management and Communication programme - Apply by March 12, 2013


About The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

ICIMOD is a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge sharing centre serving the eight regional member countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.

Communications and dissemination lie at the heart of ICIMOD’s activities. The Centre publishes a wide range of materials every year to be shared with a diverse range of audiences.


Mountains are important global ecosystems facing especially rapid socioeconomic and environmental changes, particularly the impacts of climate change. Our aim is to influence policy and practices to meet the associated challenges emerging in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. Working to deliver impacts in five Regional Programmes across four Thematic Areas – Water and Air; Ecosystem Management; Livelihoods; and Geospatial Solutions – supported by integrated knowledge management, we seek to improve the lives and livelihoods of mountain women and men, now and for the future.


3 years, of which the first year will be under probation.


  • Graduate degree in Journalism, Information Management/Science, Development Communication, Knowledge Management, or related field with extensive experience in information, behavioural, and/or communications sciences
  • 8 years of work experience in the field of communications as a communications specialist or journalist
  • Sound knowledge of communication strategies, knowledge management tools, and information technology, including the principles and application of ICT in research and development.

Responsibilities and tasks

Under the general guidance and supervision of the Senior Manager of Knowledge Management and Communication and in close collaboration with the Communication Officer, the Communications Specialist will be responsible for managing the following activities:

  • Assist ICIMOD with all communication efforts, including the adaptation of style or format to ensure that messages achieve maximum impact
  • Advise on and contribute to the development of the overall Knowledge Management and Communication Strategy and its implementation, especially in the area of written communications
  • Advise programme staff and the Senior Management on appropriate communication strategies
  • In close collaboration with the Editor, oversee the use of ICIMOD’s branding and style in all areas of ICIMOD’s work
  • Establish and maintain a network of institutions and experts in the field of information management, information and communication technology, communications, and outreach throughout the HKH and, where relevant, beyond
  • Contribute to knowledge generation and knowledge management at the Centre through the establishment of networks and advisory groups, providing support to publications of diverse types, and contributing content for use on websites and electronic sharing, in short films and multimedia products, and on radio, among others communication outlets.
  • Support communications planning in programmes, initiatives, and other ICIMOD activities, especially through advice on written (printed and electronic) communications related the work and outputs of programmes and initiatives
  • Build an effective media network and relations with media outlets in the region and beyond; advise on all media-related issues including strategic planning of media events.

Specific tasks

Produce quality knowledge products for ICIMOD by

  •     Editing/writing press releases and media background material;
  •     Writing/editing materials to enrich and update the ICIMOD website;
  •     Writing summaries and syntheses of ICIMOD and partners’ work for dissemination;
  •     Ensuring consistency of ICIMOD brand and style application;
  •     Offering training to ICIMOD staff to support the development of writing and communication skills and in branding applications;
  •     Supporting the development of new communications instruments;
  •     Tailoring communication approaches to various needs and audiences; and
  •     Evaluating and developing impact pathways where communication is essential.

How to apply

Applicants are requested to apply online before 12 March 2013 through ICIMOD's online application system. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Click here to apply online

Starting date

1 May 2013, or as early as possible.


Salaries and benefits of ICIMOD are competitive compared to other regional organizations; remuneration is commensurate with experience and qualifications.

Contact details

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Khumaltar, Lalitpur
G.P.O. Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: ( 977 ) 1 5003222
Fax: (977) 1 5003299, 5003277

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Post By: Seetha