Critiquing the floods: Analysis from the Water Initiatives Orissa and SANDRP

Water Initiatives Orissa's analysis

Water Initiatives Orissa has a detailed analysis of the current situation in Orisssa. The analysis while staying away from allocating blame goes into detail to find out the real reasons for the flood situation.

The report argues that the "rule curve" used to manage floods in association with the Hirakud dam is itself outdated due to climate change and variations in the values used to predict the same earlier.

The report also takes a look at the age old belief of the utility of dams to prevent floods. The current situation is seemingly outpacing the ability of dams & dam managers to control, prevent flood situations.

The entire report can be down loaded as a .doc file here: WIO Advocacy update on Orissa floods & Hirakud

Analysis by SANDRP

The South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People has a concise two page report on the Orissa situation and the factors in play behind the scenes. Non conformity to rules regarding reservoir management, poor re-assessment of the reservoir capacity over the years with regard to silting, and many more aspects are highlighted. The flood forecasts of CWC, and the lack of responsibile authorities are also brought into debate.

The report can be accessed on the SANDRP website here: Orissa floods could have been avoided!

Post By: iwp