
Kerala Energy Management Centre invites applications for awards on energy conservation – Apply by October 15, 2011
Posted on 30 Sep, 2011 07:52 PM

EMC kerala

Kerala Government has became the first state government in India to establish an Energy Management Centre (EMC) at the state level, aiming primarily to remould and instrumentalise energy sector as a catalyst in promoting a development process which is economically and ecologically sustainable.

"Per capita water availability to reduce by 2025", says Droplets: e-Newsletter from Everything About Water - August 2011
Per capita water availability in India to reduce by 2025. Posted on 17 Sep, 2011 06:18 PM

Article and Image Courtesy: Everything About Water  

Every thing about water

Highlights from the August edition of Droplets e-newsletter published by the Everything About Water

  • India: Per capita water availability to reduce by 2025
  • WHO: New guidelines for safer drinking water supply systems
CEPF-ATREE Western Ghats Program invites applications for the position of Research Assistants, Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Posted on 07 Sep, 2011 02:04 PM



Founded in 2000, the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is a global leader in enabling civil society to participate in and benefit from conserving some of the world’s most critical ecosystems. It provides grants for nongovernmental and private sector organizations to help protect biodiversity hotspots and earth’s most biologically rich yet threatened areas.

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment's (ATREE) mission is to promote socially just environmental conservation and sustainable development by generating rigorous interdisciplinary knowledge that engages actively with academia, policy makers, practitioners, activists, students and wider public audiences. 

Water quality study and cost-benefit analysis of rainwater harvesting in Kuttanad, Kerala
The study reveals the urgency of water scarcity and sheds light on the potential remediation strategies. Posted on 25 Aug, 2011 02:23 PM

KuttanadThis thesis by Christina Tang for the Center of Environmental Studies, Brown University deals with a study of water quality and attempts to ascertain the net benefits or costs from rainwater harvesting under a variety of scenarios for households in various water supply conditions.

Eighty percent of the 7,00,000 citizens of Kuttanad, a region in the coastal State of Kerala have no access to clean water. In Kuttanad, intensive untreated human sewage and agricultural activities have caused severe surface water contaminations. At the same time, other sources of freshwater are unreliable for drinking: groundwater is acidic due to the soil conditions and iron leaching; freshwater from public tap is infrequent; and water supply from private vendors is extremely expensive.

Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology is looking for junior research fellows at Cochin – Apply by August 2, 2011
Posted on 15 Jul, 2011 01:06 PM

Centre for Marine Living Resources and EcologyCentre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE), Cochin  under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India has been organizing, co-ordinating and promoting ocean development activities in the country which inter-alia include mapping of the living resources, preparing inventory of commercially exploitable living marine resources, their optimum utilization through ecosystem management and R&D in basic sciences on Marine Living Resources and Ecology.

Measures to mitigate agrarian distress in Idukki district of Kerala : A study report by MSSRF
This study report by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation deals with the measures to mitigate agrarian distress in Idukki district of Kerala. Posted on 10 Jul, 2011 07:38 PM

Idukki Although Idukki is generally perceived as a ‘spices district’ and a ‘plantation crop district’, about 95 per cent of the farmers here are small with tribal farmers constituting a substantial component. Public investment in agriculture in this district is very poor and this hampers agricultural progress and rural livelihoods in many ways.

As a result of high cost of production of major crops and its volatile prices, small farmers who constitute the majority of the farming population have accumulated debt burden exceeding 700 crores. More than eighty per cent of this debt is due to crop loans to small and marginal farmers.

The recommendations in this report are made after giving due consideration to ongoing programmes and resources being made available thereof. These are mainly focused on the small, marginal and tribal farmers and other economically disadvantaged sections. The stress is on sustainability of agricultural production systems and strengthening the regional ecology.

Volunteering at the Vembanad fish count 2011 - An Arghyam field report
A team from Arghyam recently visited Alleppey in Kerala to participate in the Vembanad Fish Count 2011. Posted on 04 Jun, 2011 12:00 AM



Guest post by Priya Desai


This was organised by the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE). Held on May 26th 2011, we were joined by around 150 to 200 student volunteers from various higher educational institutions in Kerala, such as the Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, St. Albert's College in Ernakulam, School of Applied Life Sciences in Chuttippara and the School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University.

Green Film Festival' - A film festival on the environment, Centre of Gandhian Studies, 5th – 7th June, 2011, Thiruvanthapuram
Posted on 02 Jun, 2011 05:50 PM

University of Kerala and Kerala State Biodiversity BoardOrganizers:

  • Centre of Gandhian Studies, University of Kerala
  • Kerala Biodiversity Board

Venue: University Senate Chamber, Thiruvanthapuram

Vembanad Fish Count 2011, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, 26th May 2011, Muhamma, Kerala
Posted on 18 May, 2011 12:44 PM

Ashoka Trust for Researchin Ecology and the Environnrent

Organizer: Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) - Community Environmental Resource Centre (CERC)

Venue: St.George Parish Hall, Muhamma, Kerala

Delight, India's first electronic public toilet in Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala
We wish to bring to your attention to one of the indigenous & innovative products developed by us, named “Delight Bharath”, which is country’s first electronic public toilet. Posted on 11 May, 2011 12:34 PM

Warm Greetings from Eram Scientific Solutions!!!

, is the part of USD $1 Billion, Eram Group. Eram Scientific is based out of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and working for addressing the pressing needs of the society through the effective use of Technology. We are giving much emphasis to R&D and now developing solutions to prevent Food Adulteration, Ensuring Women Safety, and Using Non Conventional Energy. 

 Delight is the blend of Information Communication and Engineering Technologies.