
District human development report card for 10 districts- the PAHELI report
The human development report card is for the assessment of current status of life and livelihoods, water and sanitation, mother and child health, and education and literacy in a district Posted on 01 Jun, 2009 03:46 PM

The PAHELI report (Peoples' Audit of Health Education and Livelihoods) is a rapid assessment of the prevailing status of human development in a district and covers four major sectors: life and livelihoods, water and sanitation, mother and child health, and education and literacy. The design and execution of PAHELI was done by Pratham and PAHELI district partners.

Karnataka groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) bill, 2006
The bill aims to regulate and control the development and management of groundwater through the constitution of groundwater authority in Karnataka Posted on 30 May, 2009 02:38 PM

The various functions and powers of the authority outlined in Karnataka groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) bill, 2006, are as follows -

Karnataka municipal corporations (water supply) rules (2004)
The rules deal with the construction and operating of water works through private parties and specifies the functions to be discharged by the operator or operator consultant Posted on 30 May, 2009 02:28 PM

The Municipal Corporation may on contractual terms agreed with the Operator or Operator consultant, allow them to participate in the management, operation and maintenance of all municipal water works and the construction or acquisition of new works necessary for a sufficient supply of water for public and private purpose in the City or any specified part thereof.

Karnataka urban drinking water and sanitation policy (2002)
The policy on urban drinking water and sanitation in Karnataka is made in view of different institutional structure and different sets of issues involved in the delivery of services of urban areas Posted on 30 May, 2009 02:25 PM

Increasing urbanization has resulted in greater pressure on the existing urban water supply and sanitation systems leading to increasing demand on the one hand to augment the source and improve distribution and on the other to increase the coverage of underground drainage (UGD).

Karnataka ground water (regulation for protection of sources of drinking water) act, 1999
The act is modeled on government of India’s model bill, 1990, for regulation of groundwater extraction and seeks to introduce regulatory measures to protect drinking water sources in rural areas Posted on 30 May, 2009 01:06 PM

The key points addressed in Karnataka ground water (regulation for protection of sources of drinking water) act, 1999, are -

Karnataka irrigation act (1965)
The act is an amendment to Mysore irrigation (levy of betterment contribution and water rate) act, 1957, and enforces law for construction, maintenance and regulation of irrigation works in Karnataka Posted on 30 May, 2009 11:56 AM

The Karnataka Irrigation Act (1965) seeks to consolidate the provisions of the Mysore irrigation (levy of betterment contribution and water rate) act, which was passed by the Legislature in 1957 and other allied Acts in force in the different areas in so far as they related to the levy of betterment contribution and water rate.

Karnataka urban water sector improvement project by world bank (2004)
The projects aims for a long term vision for urban water sector in Karnataka by implementing phased program towards full and high quality service provision in a sustainable manner Posted on 30 May, 2009 09:18 AM

This 2004 Project Appraisal Document of the World Bank for the Karnataka Urban Water Sector Improvement Project provides the long-term vision for the urban water sector in the State of Karnataka. The project aims to turn its performance into high quality, sustainable services in all urban local bodies.

Water security for residents of apartments & gated communities in Bangalore - An article by SS Ranganathan
Bangalore has grown phenomenally over the last 25 years and the pleasant ‘rural scenery’of what once were the ‘outskirts’ of Bangalore has given way to forests or jungles of concrete. These are the multi-storeyed apartment complexes which have mushroomed all over, with gated communities making a break in this concrete jungle. One wonders where the residents of these complexes and communities will find the water to live a reasonably normal life. Posted on 29 May, 2009 04:27 PM

Mr. S.S. Ranganathan, author of this guest post, is a retired senior executive of Ion Exchange and currently a consultant based in Bangalore.

He can be reached at: ss.ranganathan@gmail.com , +91-9343734229


Use of GIS-based software for hydrological and water allocation modeling - Malaprabha river basin - Karnataka - Technical briefs from the India-PES collaborative project
Tools and methodologies developed by India-PES were tested in Malaprabha river basin, Karnataka, and PES implementation was focussed on participatory irrigation management. Posted on 28 May, 2009 12:28 PM

The India-PES  initiative, was a collaborative effort undertaken on a pilot basis, by CISED and NIVA, for the development of integrated tools and consulting s

Water conservation initiatives (2007) at GMR Energy Limited, Mangalore
This presentation describes the effort made by GMR Enery Limited, Mangalore at water conservation, which is also a zero waste water discharge plant Posted on 28 May, 2009 11:46 AM

Operating the world's largest barge mounted power plant off the coast of Mangalore, GMR Energy has a specific water consumption of .126 cu m/MWH, which is less than half the national benchmark of .276 cu m/MWH for such plants.
