Karnataka municipal corporations (water supply) rules (2004)

The Municipal Corporation may on contractual terms agreed with the Operator or Operator consultant, allow them to participate in the management, operation and maintenance of all municipal water works and the construction or acquisition of new works necessary for a sufficient supply of water for public and private purpose in the City or any specified part thereof.

Some of the functions which it may devolve are –

  • Construction, laying or erection of filtration plants, reservoirs, machinery, conducts, pipes or other works for supply of water and the provision of tanks, reservoirs, machinery mains, fountains and other conveniences for the use of the inhabitants with the sanction of the Government;
  • Implementation and management of water works, the maintenance, closure, and substitution of existing water works and supply of water;
  • Management of house water supply connections within or without the premises to which they belong, with the water supply main;
  • Billing and invoicing of water supplies to the customers at such rates, times and under such conditions as may be specified by the bye laws; and billing and invoicing of expenses incurred in alteration, repair and maintenance of house water supply connections in proper order;
  • Supply of water to the Government or any other local authority on such terms as to payment, period and conditions of supply as determined by the Corporation;

Read the rules



Post By: rajshekar