
From unwieldy to understandable – transform the way you view data
People are afraid of data and numbers because it seems complicated. Visualising it will help you understand, form patterns and analyse better. Posted on 19 Jun, 2013 10:38 AM

IWP has over 200 sets of water data online. Of this, we have converted around 16 to an Excel format and will be adding more in the coming weeks for you to download. Use our Data Finder, a search tool for finding water data online, to search for this information. 

Piece the data puzzle together to tell a story
Training Programme on Citywide Sanitation Planning (CSP), Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society, Bangalore
A training package that offers a methodology to carry out a City Sanitation Plan with different decentralized sanitation options and integration with centralised systems
Posted on 17 Jun, 2013 04:58 PM

Offered by 

Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society


Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions,
Survey # 205, Kommaghata Road, Bandmath, Bangalore

About the programme 

Smaller is better in Maharashtra!
Smaller dams to fight drought, help for Delhi’s rainwater harvesting programme and a flyover that recharges groundwater are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 17 Jun, 2013 02:17 PM

Smaller is better in Maharashtra

Smaller dams to be built in Maharashtra
How to make your home self sufficient- An open house workshop, The Alternative, Bangalore
It is definitely not easy to retrofit water meters, re-use STP water to flush tanks, or perform in-house composting- but at this workshop you'll learn how to make your home self sufficient.
Posted on 13 Jun, 2013 03:33 PM


The Alternative in collaboration with Apartment ADDA


The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Domlur II Stage, Bangalore

About the workshop

Sustainable initiatives in an apartment/ community
Krishna river saves Chennai
Krishna river saves Chennai, rain halts life in Bangalore and doctors rescue the Yamuna are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 10 Jun, 2013 02:30 PM

Kerala welcomes the monsoons!

The monsoons finally hit Kerala on June 1, bringing respite for the drought-ridden southern state. Things are looking up this year with an expected 98% of rainfall in the state.

Monsoon hits Kerala
Does your packaged drinking water contain minerals or pollutants?
Unsafe bottled water, the ‘stink report’ and the British rescuing a river are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 03 Jun, 2013 08:36 PM

Does your packaged drinking water contain minerals or pollutants?

Unsafe bottled water
Call for research papers on 'Linking of Indian rivers: Boon or bane', National Seminar, G.S.Science Degree College, Belgaum, September 13-14, 2013
The seminar will provide a platform to assess the longstanding mega plan, 'River-linking project (RLP)' and the pros and cons to this issue
Posted on 28 May, 2013 08:40 AM

Water belongs to the state, not country!
Bihar against the central water policy, youth against proposed Kerala hydro-electric project and creation of economic sensitive zones are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 27 May, 2013 11:27 AM

Bihar opposes Centre’s proposed water policy

Let water remain a state subject - Bihar
Development and disaster - the thin line that divides the two
Industrial pollution in villages, access to water data and seasonal pricing of water hog the limelight in this week's roundup Posted on 20 May, 2013 06:15 PM

Water data at your fingertips

Bangaloreans come together at the ‘Save Our Lakes’ Event
Lakes recharge groundwater. Bangalore, once the ‘city of lakes’ isn’t any more and half the city will likely have to be evacuated by 2023. Can we do something about this crisis before it's too late? Posted on 17 May, 2013 10:50 AM

The Catch Every Drop campaign, which created awareness about water conservation, spun off a few other events in Bangalore. Save Our Lakes, which focused on protecting B
