
Vacancy for the post of 'Field Coordinator', SELCO Foundation, Bangalore
The organization's mission is to understand problems faced by un-served and under-served communities and bridge the last mile implementation gap.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 12:24 PM

For more information on the organisation, please click here.

For further details on the vacancy, click here.

Invitation to a seminar on '‘Making public services work for the poor - A Karnataka experience ’, Centre for Budget Policy Studies, Bangalore
A seminar to present some of CBPS's recent research and through them go deeper into the discussions that have surrounded the issue of making public service work for the poor.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 11:37 AM

For more information on the organisers, Centre for Budget and Policy Studies (CBPS), please click here.

Please download the Draft Agenda for the seminar and the Background Note for the same from below.


Centre for Budget Policy Studies, Bangalore
Invite to a workshop on 'Namma Kere, Namma Bengaluru', Save Bangalore Lakes Trust, Bangalore
Are lakes for sewage dumping and land grabbbing ? If you are concerned on the issue of saving Bangalore lakes, participate in the workshop.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 10:16 AM

To know more of the organisers, please click here.

To register online for the workshop, click here.

The brochure for the same is attached below.

Save Bangalore Lakes Trust, Bangalore
Invite to 'Waste Management Summit - 2013', Confederation of Indian Industry, Bengaluru
A concerted effort in bringing together all the key stakeholders in highlighting the need and importance of waste management.
Posted on 13 Oct, 2013 04:16 PM

For further information on the summit, please click here.

Waste Management Summit 2013
Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated
News this week: Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated, artificial oxygen to clean Ulsoor lake and 20% government schools in Delhi don't have water connection. Posted on 06 Oct, 2013 10:54 PM

Rajasthan's drinking water most contaminated

Right to safe drinking water (Source: Merck Group)
Invite to a workshop 'The Square Foot Gardening Concept',Bangalore
An interactive class to learn an easy & fun way to grow vegetables, flowers & herbs on the farm, your terrace, balcony, patio or garden!
Posted on 06 Oct, 2013 09:41 AM

To know more about the organisers, please click here.

For further details on the programme, please see attached agenda.

The directions to the venue can be downloaded from below.

Square Foot Gardening Source:Wikipedia
Invitation for 'Earthian 2013 - A water & sustainability programme for schools and colleges', WIPRO
An aim to help prepare the younger generation to understand the challenges of sustainability in the face of limited resources and build the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to deal with these.
Posted on 30 Sep, 2013 10:49 AM

For greater details on this innovative programme, please click here.

To register for the event, please click here.

Government allows shale gas exploration
Policy Matters this week - Government allows shale gas exploration, companies to be ranked for corporate social responsibility and the government relaxes penalties for hydropower companies. Posted on 30 Sep, 2013 06:00 AM

Government allows shale gas exploration

Shale gas exploration in Alaska Source: Wikipedia
Invitation for 'Timi-Kurm Coastal and Marine Life Awareness Fest 2013', Devbag, Karnataka
A unique event that brings together people to understand the importance of protecting Karwar‘s unique natural resources and joining forces to sustain the livelihoods of disadvantaged communities.
Posted on 29 Sep, 2013 01:15 PM

For more information on the organisers, the Terra Marine Research Institute (TeMI), please click here.

To know more about the festival, click here.

The brochure may be downloaded from below.

Terra Marine Research Institute
The comedy and tragedy of the Doddaballapur tanks
Twenty five cascading tanks culminate in the Naagarakere tank in Doddaballapur town in Karnataka. Once a source of water for the region, most of them are dry today. Can we revive them? Posted on 26 Sep, 2013 02:08 PM

1972 was the year. A massive hit, a landmark movie in Dr. Rajkumar's cinema career was realeased: Bangarada Manushya (The Golden Man).

With many melodious and meaningful songs, the theme was something close to one's heart - an urban youth returns to his ancestral village, takes up agriculture and works for the welfare of the village.

Doddaballapur tanks