
The story of bottled water (2010): A film about how "manufactured demand" pushes what we don t need and destroys what we need most
"The Story of Bottled Water" is a7-minute animated film, that takes a provocative, humorous look at bottled water. Posted on 22 Mar, 2010 11:53 PM

The Story of Bottled Water 

The Story of Bottled Water: How "Manufactured Demand" pushes what we don’t need and destroys what we need most

On March 22nd – World Water Day – The Story of Stuff Project released The Story of Bottled Water, a 7-minute animated film, that takes a provacative, humorous look at bottled water. Hosted by Annie Leonard, the creator of the internet hit The Story of Stuff, the film was co-produced with five leading sustainability advocacy organizations: Corporate Accountability International, Environmental Working Group, Food & Water Watch, Polaris Institute and Pacific Institute.

The Story of Bottled Water employs the Story of Stuff style to tell the story of manufactured demand, specifically how Americans are influenced to buy more than half a billion bottles of water every week, when they can get it almost free from a tap.

Towards real food security - We need more water than that presently being tapped
This article puts together significant data and analysis to prove that a solution is required to alleviate/eliminate hunger in India. Posted on 22 Mar, 2010 08:33 AM

'Towards REAL food ecurity for India!' puts together significant data and analysis to prove that a solution is required and is possible to alleviate/eliminate hunger in India with the largest number of hungry people in the world and for this we need to grow more food.

To do this, we need much more water than presently being tapped / harnessed / used and therfore, to implement schemes to impound water wasting into the Sea, is required sans futher delay.

NREGA news updates collated by the Foundation for Ecological Security (16-31 Oct 2010)
Youth Cong protests over ''poor'' implementation of NREGA in J-K. This and more stories on the NREGA newsletter.
Posted on 21 Mar, 2010 03:45 AM

Article and Image Courtesy: Foundation for Ecological Security (FES)

CALL FOR RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS (Revitalizing Rainfed Agriculture - RRA network)
Posted on 20 Mar, 2010 02:31 PM


The Advantages of Recycling Paper
Posted on 08 Mar, 2010 09:05 PM

The Advantages of Recycling Paper

Before throwing that piece of paper in the trash, consider how many trees you could save by starting a

Silviculture of Indian Trees:A book by Robert Scott Troup
Silviculture, in other words the agriculture of trees, pertains to the establishment, development, care and reproduction of forest/tree crops. Posted on 06 Mar, 2010 11:10 AM

The Silviculture of Indian Trees, is a seminal reference work in three volumes, that contains in-depth information (from a silvicultural point of view) about nearly all tree species of India, covering some 63 botanical orders. It is the outcome of twenty years of field-based research by Robert Scott Troup, a British forestry expert who spent much of his career in India, and is considered a classic landmark work on the subject.

The book starts with an introduction, followed by information organised by the botanical order, genera and finally, species. Each sub-section on a specific species, contains details such as the botanical name, vernacular names, distribution and habitat, silvicultural characters (climatic, temperature, soil conditions that help the tree grow), botanical descriptions as well as silhoutte drawings of the seed seedling leaf trunk root flower fruit bark and other plant parts, uses, flowering fruiting and leaf-shedding process as well as season, natural and artificial reproduction methods and rate of growth, germination process and role of animals birds insects wind and water, and botanically allied species.

Entry 56 of List I and Entry 17 under list II of seventh schedule - Ministry of Water Resources (2010)
The article is about ENtry 56 of List I of Seventh Schedule provides that regulation and development of inter-state rivers and river valleys is declared by Parliament by law. Posted on 04 Mar, 2010 02:22 PM

Entry 56 of List I of Seventh Schedule provides that "Regulation and development of inter-State rivers and river valleys to the extent to which such regulation and development under the control of the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in the public interest".

Original document can be viewed here on the Ministry of Water Resources website

Promote sustainable sanitation solutions in South Asia : March 2010 issue of e-Disha
The March 2010 issue of e-Disha newsletter from CDD Society features an introduction to Holistic Sanitation Approach and other stories.
Posted on 04 Mar, 2010 10:29 AM

CDD logo

March 2010 issue of e-Disha from the CDD Society. An effort to disseminate knowledge to promote sustainable sanitation solutions in South Asia.

Revitalizing Rainfed Agriculture (RRA) Network looking for National Coordinator
Posted on 03 Mar, 2010 02:06 PM

The Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture (RRA) Network is a national consortium of academics, bureaucrats and representatives of civil society working to develop policy options aimed at enhancing appropriate and comprehensive public investments in rainfed agriculture.  The network's functioning is premised on a combination of collating existing experiences, undertaking

Jobs viz DevNetJobs
Posted on 02 Mar, 2010 03:19 PM
  • Director - River Basins & Water Policy

World Wide Fund for Nature -  India
Location: New Delhi
Last Date: March 20, 2010

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