The national green tribunal bill - Ministry of Environment and Forests (2009)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 11:54 AMThe following document describes the details of the process of implementation of the bill and includes:
- Short title and commencement o f the bill
- Definitions of the terms used in the bill
- Details of the establishment of a Tribunal known as the National Green Tribunal to exercise the jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred on the Tribunal by the bill
- Jurisdiction, powers and proceedings of the Tribunal
- Details of the penalty for failure to comply with the orders of the Tribunal
The employment of manual scavengers and construction of dry latrines (prohibition) act - Directorate of Municipal Administration (1993)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 11:24 AMThe document goes on to describe the details of the implementation of the Act and includes:
The water (prevention and control of pollution) cess (amendment) act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (2003)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 11:16 AMModification of Section 16
The water (prevention and control of pollution) cess act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1977)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 11:12 AMThe document provides the details of the Act in terms of :
The water (prevention and control of pollution) act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1974)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 11:08 AMThe document provides the details of the steps to be undertaken to implement the Act and includes:
The water (prevention and control of pollution) rules - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1975)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 11:01 AMThis document provides information on the rules underlying the section 63 of the Water (prevention and control of pollution) act and includes:
- Title and the definition of terms underlying the rules
- Information on the terms and conditions of service of the members of the central board and of committees of the central board
- Power and duties of the chairman and the member secretary and appointment of officers and employees
- Rules in case of temperory association of persons with the central board
- Rules for the appointment of a consultant engineer
- Budget of the central board
- Annual report of the central board
- Account of the central board
- Report of the central board analyst
- Rules for the establishment and functioning of the central water laboratory
- Powers and functions of the central board in relation to the union territories
The national environment tribunal act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1995)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:57 AMThe document describes the details of the Act in terms of:
The national environment appellate authority act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1997)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:53 AMThis document provides the details of the Act made to provide for the establishment of a National Environment Appellate Authority that will hear appeals with respect to restriction of areas in which any industries, operations or processes or class of industries, operations or processes shall not be carried out or shall be carried out subject to certain safeguards under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and for other matters concerned therewith.
Model bill to regulate and control the development of groundwater - Ministry of Water Resources (1996)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:51 AMThis document is a model bill for the regulation and control of the groundwater. It provides the details of the definitions and the process of implementation of the bill and includes:
- The title, extent and commencement of the Act
- Definitions of terms included in the Act
- Mode of establishment of a groundwater authority
- Details on powers to notify areas for control and regulation of groundwater and on the use of groundwater in notified areas
- Details of the grant of permit required to extract and use groundwater in the notified area
- Registration of existing users in the notification areas
- Mechanism of registration of new wells in the non notified areas
- Power resting with the authority to alter, amend or vary the terms of the permit
- Cancellation of permit or certificate of registration or license
- Powers of the groundwater authority
- Service of orders
- Delegation of powers and duties
- Details of mechanisms for dealing with offences
- The powers resting with the state government to make rules for the implementation of the Act.
The environment protection act - Ministry of Environment and Forests (1986,2001,2005)
Posted on 12 Oct, 2010 10:48 AMThe document provides the details of the Environment Protection Act (1986) and includes:
- Information on the short title, extend and commencement of the Act
- Definitions of terms included in the Act
- General powers of the central government in implementing the Act
- Appointment of officers and their powers and functions
- Power of central government to give directions
- Rules to regulate environmental pollution
- Details of rules for prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution