What do the numbers reveal about aquifers in India?
Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 10:54 PMGroundwater is water that is stored underground in aquifers or rock layers than can absorb water. India gets 85% of all its drinking water from this source.
Rainfall is an essential part of monitoring groundwater as it recharges the aquifer and brings groundwater levels up. Rainfall and well levels are important parameters for data collection.
The connection between well-level data and aquifers
Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 07:31 PMGroundwater is water that is stored below the ground in aquifers, or rock layers that can absorb water. India gets 85% of all its drinking water from this source.
Water privatisation, a failed model?
Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 03:12 PMSince water reforms were introduced in India in the 1990s, water privatisation has been propagated as a panacea to the sector's problems.
These bacteria are good!
Posted on 01 Apr, 2014 11:16 PM71% of earth’s surface is covered with water found in rivers, lakes and oceans. Due to massive urbanization and industrialization, these resources are often polluted with garbage and industrial waste among other things. There are several ways of cleaning this wastewater. One such method is bioaugmentation.
Maharashtra reels under hail storms and unseasonal rainfall
Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 11:23 PMMaharashtra reels under hail storms
The importance of transparency and data management
Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 10:17 PMOn 22nd March 2014, Raipur celebrated World Water Day with senior government officials and officials from NGOs and other organisations presenting on the importance of NGOs in disseminating information to the people. They also highlighted the discrepancies in data collected between organisations and the need to improve on this if they were to make a difference to society.
And the 2014 UN ‘Water for Life’ award goes to …
Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 09:52 PMIWMI-Tata Water Policy Program (ITP), a project that focusses on policy research in the co-management of energy & groundwater, has been awarded the 2014 UN ‘Water for life’ award!
Their land lost to a dam, 2,000 farmers take to fishing -- in cages
Posted on 25 Mar, 2014 08:28 PMThe Chandil dam reservoir is located 30 kms from Jamshedpur on the Subernarekha river in Jharkhand. While this dam is a 'tourist hotspot', its construction has resulted in the displacement of more than 20,000 families from 116 surrounding villages. “We lost our farmlands because of the project and now, to support our families, we have to take any job available", says Narayan Gope.
The key to successfully managing groundwater in India
Posted on 23 Mar, 2014 10:47 PMDr. Himanshu Kulkarni is the Executive Director of the Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), a non-profit organisation in Pune. It is a premier education and research institution, which facilitates work on groundwater management through action research programmes and training.