What kind of pump to install for a borewell of 160 feet deep and 1 inch water level, gravel found at this depth?


We recently had a 5" inch diameter borewell drilled for domestic use. About 1" inch water level was found at 160 ft depth. The pipe is full of water up to the brim and the over flow…

Where can I get RO membrane of 1000Litres/hr capacity?

Where can I get RO membrane of 1000Litres/hr capacity?

Would like to know if the water is sutaible for construction purpose in Rohtak, Haryana

Following are the test results of groundwater in Rohtak, Haryana 

  • pH - 8.49
  • EC - 5.12 mS/cm
  • TDS - 2580
  • Hardness - 455.4 
  • Chloride - 924.6
What is the ideal TDS level in drinking water from RO and how to increase the TDS level in the filter?

I have got RO installed at my home. The input water is from overhead water tank linked to 300 ft deep borewell.

TDS of water from the overhead tank is 380 and TDS of RO water is 15. Please…

Borewell depth 650 ft, from February 2012 water pumped black in colour with foul smell - Need help to fix the issue

Borewell depth 650 feet in 2010 and had potable water from it until February 2012. Currently we are getting black coloured water with foul smell.

The problem persists even after cleaning the…

Question from Kovaipudur, Coimbatore - Borewell 260 feet and dry.Should I opt for rebore or drill a new bore


Existing borewell depth is 260 feet and water source at 75 feet and has a submerisble pump of 1.5 hp, but now there is no water being pumped out and it gets choked. Earlier it used…

Request for grants for Kashyap Divya Jyoti Seva Society, Sonbhadra district, Uttar Pradesh


Our society works in many different areas like managing balwadis (running in 8 kendras), self-employment, (san-suthli, agarbatti), health awareness (AIDS, de-addiction) and…

Need information to set up STP at our office (of around 450 people) in Bangalore


We are planning a Sewage Treatment Plant at our office in Bangalore, having 450 people. ( No residential quarters).

Need information on these :

  • How to estimate…
Need information on how to implement RWH system at our warehouse


We want to implement rain water harvesting system at our warehouses , need information on how to go about it.

Need help for implementation of DEWATS in Kottayam district, Kerala


The Kottayam Social Service Society (KSSS) is a registered charitable organization (Reg. K-15/1964) under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies’…

Water available at 1049 ft Khatiwala tank, Indore - What kind and capacity pump should I install ?


Water is available at 1049 feet in Khatiwala tank, Indore. What capacity and kind of pump should I install in the bore to pump water to the fourth floor?

What should the level of TDS be for drinking water?

Peene ke pani ka TDS kitna hona chahiye?

What should be the level of TDS for drinking water?

Need info on water & sanitation conditions with effectiveness of RSBY in terms of health outcomes and productivity in Karnataka


I am a PhD student from the University of Bonn and for my thesis I focus on the interactions between water and sanitation conditions with the effectiveness of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima…

Need contact of people/organization to help create farm ponds in Tamil Nadu

I am looking for people/organizations with knowledge and who can help me in creating farm ponds in Tamilnadu.

I have around 4 acres of land and the well is dry. I am looking for ways to save…

Need details of low cost watershed structures for Panna district of Madhya Pradesh (Shahnagar and Pawai Tehsils)


We want to work water harvesting and recharge structures in Panna district of Madhya Pradesh (Tehsils Shahnagar and Pawai). Need help with soil profile, rock layers, water availability…

Over the next 10 years, what are the major barriers to improving water quality in rural India?


I am based at the Cranfield Water Science Institute in the UK and I am beginning some doctoral research into water quality management in low income rural regions. At this initial…

What is the ideal thickness and diameter of MS pipeline required for 103 cusecs discharge of water?


What is the ideal thickness and diameter of MS pipeline required for 103 cusecs discharge of water for a distance of 30 km.

Need district wise temperature data of Tamil Nadu from 2000 to 2010

Need district wise temperature data of Tamil Nadu from 2000 to 2010, for my research on climate change.

Need groundwater level data of a particular area of Chattisgarh

Where can I get groundwater level data of a particular area of Chattisgarh?

Need contact info of Dr. SP Wani, to know about the watershed programs in rural Maharashtra


Need contact information of Dr. SP Wani to know about the watershed programs in rural Maharasthra and be involved in it, as part of the CSR activities of Tata Capital, Mumbai.

