Need runoff data of Rajasthan for my research work


I need runoff data of Rajasthan for my research work.

Need information to start a mineral water plant

I want to start a mineral water plant and need information for starting the same.

How can I recharge a 400 feet borewell with rain water, Bangalore? Need contact details of RWH consultants


Our borewell is of 400ft deep and we found water at 250 ft, inserted a silt casing around the metal casing.

How can I recharge the borewell with rain water, is it possible…

Will the borewell get clogged or choked if it left unused for a long period of time, like one to two years?


What will happen if water is not pumped from the borewell for a long period of time like one or two years, will they get clogged or choked? Will it have be dug again to use it. The…

Need help to choose the right submersible pump for 300 feet borewell, water level noticeable from 60 ft


I want to install a submersible pump for a 300 feet borewell with 6" dia. Water levels are noticeable from 60 ft.

Need help to choose the right capacity pump with adequate yield…

How to use bleaching powder for cleaning water?

What is the process of bleaching with bleaching powder.

Request for grant for Vivekananda Seva Sansthan, Kolkata, West Bengal

Our NGO Vivekananda Seva Sansthan works with economically weak section of society and would like to join with your organization in doing social works.

Need data of potential evapo transpiration from 1990-2002 of west Tripura district


Need daily potential evapotranspiration data from 1990-2012 of west Tripura.

Need info of people and organizations to learn about low-cost water structures that will work in Panna, Madhya Pradesh

(Received as a query through email from Vijay)

We are a group of friends interested in working for improvement of rural livelihoods in Panna District (Tehsil Shahnagar and Pawai), Madhya…

Need contact details of water management companies, projects and NGO's that I can visit in India

(Received as query through email from Will Dickson)

I'm travelling around the world to learn about global issues for a year and am now in Kolkata. 

Need daily/weekly/monthly water consumption data of any city

(Received as a query through email from H. J. Surendra)


I am intersted in doing research in the field of water resource engineering particularly on water consumption trend…

Need data on climate

Received as a query over email from Asif Thottathil

Need data regarding climate for my project, let me know where how can I access this data.

Need info about setting an STP in a school in Mehsana, Gujarat

Query received through email from Tejas Shah


We are in need of an STP for our school project in Mehsana, Gujarat.

Request information on setting of the same, along with…

Need district wise temperature data of Tamil Nadu from 1900 to 2012

Received over email from N.Rama Krishnan

I need district wise temperature data for Tamil Nadu state from 1900 to 2012.

Yours Sincerely,
N.Rama krishnan,
Research Scholar,…

Need rainfall data for the last 100 years

Received over email from Sarthak Mall


I want to know if there is any way I can get data rainfall data for the last 100 years, need this for a project on rainfall prediction.…

How can I improve groundwater level and recharge dried borewells in Chikkabalpaur district of Karnataka


The groundwater level in Chikkabalpaur district of Karnataka has gone down and many borewells are drying up including ours. This has caused severe impact on the social and economic…

How is cloud cover measured?

How can the cloud covers be measured with the unit called octa?

Need information on approvals and cost to start mineral water plant

I am planning to start a mineral water and a bottling plant.

Need information on the approvals and the cost to start the project.

Need data on aquifier systems of Panna district, Madhya Pradesh


We are a NGO working for Rural Development on Watershed and Agriculture interventions.

Can you please share details of the aquifier systems of Panna district, Madhya Pradesh,…

Need recent, (post 2002), monthly temperature data


I wanted to know where  can we get the monthly mean/maximum, and average temperature on a regular basis.

In this website I find the data till 2002, wanted to update the same for…
