Need information on water requirement


I would like to know as to how much water does an urban and a rural citizen need for drinking and non drinking purposes put together?

Need help to fix the problem of borewell motor which is stuck in mud


We have a borewell with a motor at 500ft depth. During rainy season, there was a little seepage of muddy water and the motor stopped functioning. When we checked with a borewell person …

Need costing details for drilling a borewell


I am a resident of Nurpur (Tilokpur) village in Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh. I am planning to start a mineral water poject for which I need a source of water. I plan to drill a…

Need solution for the issue with the borewell yield


We have dug a borewell which is 600 ft deep. The water level was at 500ft…

What is minimum distance that is to be maintained between two borewells in agricultural land

Hi ,

I am from Kadapa district in Andhra Pradesh.I have a borewell from past 10 years which is used for agricultural purposes. Recently there is another borewell being dug close to my…

Need climate data


I meed the rainfall data of Malda district in West Bengal from 1985 to 1991 year. Please help

Need suggestions on treating the borewell water with high TDS


I am a member of a cooperative housing society in Borivali (Mumbai) and need some guidenace here. We have a borewell dug in the society some years ago which is 120 feet deep. The…

Need details of climate station of Lahul Spiti for data collection


I am a research student. I would like to know the corresponding climate station for collection of meteorological data of Lahul Spiti District in Himachal Pradesh. Please help

Need help in obtaining groundwater clearance


How can I get groundwater availability certificate from Tamil Nadu Government? Please suggest

Need help to remove the submersible pump that is stuck in the borewell


My submersible pump is stuck in the borewell at 190 feet. I am not able to remove it. Roots of trees may have entangled at 40 feet depth. Kindly suggest how I can remove the pump.

Need information on water quality and chemical agents present in drinking water in urban and rural India


I am doing a report with the Observer Research Foundation in Mumbai on hearing impairment and deafness in India, as well as an analysis on the National Program for Prevention and…

Will there be a good water source at sandy layer after 10 meters of clay strata?


I have a site which is about 1.5km from sea shore and about 500 meters from back water/river. The soil strata is as follows.

Need borewell drilling solution for a site with a narrow approach road


I need a solution for drilling a borewell in my site ( 12°57'24.25"N  77°37'4.96"E copy paste the content in for exact…

Need advice on purchase of the right water filter


We stay in a housing complex where there is a seperate pipeline for municipality supplied water as well as water from the borewell. By a strange mix-up. All the flats on our side of…

Need remedy for silt problem in borewell water


A year ago I drilled a borewell using the bit drilling technique.

The contractor used a 10 inch outer pvc casing and we reached the rock around 20 to22 feet. The boring went on…

Need solutions for treating the borewell water


I have started a residential project in Malleshwaram Bangalore. On 6th November 2013 we dug a borewell and were luccky to get good water. At 200 ft in rock we got 1 Inch. We continued…

Suggest a cost effective method for reducing TDS in water used for irrigation


My irrigation water (bore well water) has a TDS of 3000 ppm. I want to reduce it to 800 ppm to 1200 ppm to get good yield from my plants. Should I go for RO or are there other…

Which oil is to be used for air compressor as a lubricant?


We are using a  2.5 hp air compressor for water supply from a borewell of…

Need data on rain gauges in Krishna River sub basin K12


I am a student of Civil engeneering. I am doing a project on rainfall runoff analysis using HEC-HMS modeling of Krishna River sub basin K12 i.e Munneru in Andhra Pradesh. I need data…

Need help to build toilets


Need help in building toilets at home in urban areas of Mumbai as people in the area are defecating in open.
