Need suggestions on treating the borewell water with high TDS


I am a member of a cooperative housing society in Borivali (Mumbai) and need some guidenace here. We have a borewell dug in the society some years ago which is 120 feet deep. The borewell water was never used earlier since we had sufficient water from muncipal corporation.

Now, due to shortage of water since last few months, we thought of using the borewell water in toilets. However the water is extremely salty. We then decided to perform laboratory test and the results are as mentioned below.

Total Dissolve Solid-mg/l 81290
Turbidity-NTU 99.4
Total Hardness as CaCO3-mg/l 12333
E.Coil-cfu/ml Absent
Coliform-MPN/100ml 1.9

Our question is

1) For such a high TDS and hardness, is setting up filteration plant feasible? Are there any other suggestions/thoughts on whether this water can be used as is.

2)We have heard about other solutions like ring well to tap water at 20 or 30 feet. Is there any information on quantity of water available with ring well and the pros and cons of the same.
Thanks in advance.
