Aarti Kelkar Khambete

Aarti Kelkar Khambete
When solving one problem triggers another
Use of guppy fish to control mosquito populations in water bodies has given rise to another problem - that of its negative impact on native freshwater diversity. Posted on 06 Aug, 2020 06:56 PM

Come monsoons and vector borne diseases start making headlines every year in many parts of India, especially mosquito borne diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya and Japanese encephalitis.

What are vector borne diseases

Guppies for mosquito control (Image Source: Rchampagne via Wikimedia Commons)
Controlling epidemics, in the midst of a pandemic!
While the monsoon threatens to trigger vector borne diseases in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, what should we know about vector borne diseases?
Posted on 16 Jul, 2020 08:40 AM

While the monsoons are eagerly awaited in the country, India's health system remains stretched while struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a time when vector borne diseases could become rampant, and neglect of preventive measures could lead to a spike in these diseases, warn experts!

Mosquitoes, deadly killers in disguise! (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Water fleas can warn of water pollution!
Water fleas, tiny organisms found in water can help save rivers! Read this interview with freshwater biologist, Dr Sameer Padhye, to know how.
Posted on 02 Jul, 2020 07:29 PM

Water fleas are small crustaceans widely found in varied aquatic habitats. They are very sensitive to changes in the water quality of water bodies such as rivers and streams that they inhabit.

Water fleas can warn of water pollution (Image Source: Sameer Padhye)
Mumbai slums fight Covid-19
While sanitation in Mumbai slums presents unique challenges, MCGM joins hands with other sanitation warriors to fight Covid-19, with conviction!
Posted on 26 May, 2020 06:43 AM

Anand Jagtap, ex Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), the winner of the Lingaraja Memorial Award and a PhD scholar at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai has been associated with the Slum Sanitation Programme (SSP) undertaken by MCGM with support from the World Bank since 1997 to 2005.

Flushing the virus, in times of Covid-19 (Image Source: Anand Jagtap)
Menstrual hygiene needs, in times of Covid-19
While women in India suffer in silence during menstruation, Red is the New Green helps women cope with dignity, even more in times of Covid-19
Posted on 25 May, 2020 11:06 AM

Deane De Menezes is the founder of Red is the New Green (RING) – an award winning social enterprise working towards reducing the social stigma attached to menstruation.

Managing menstrual hygiene, in times of Covid-19 (Image Source: RISE Foundation)
Flushing away Covid-19, the Mumbai way!
While Mumbai slums have emerged as Covid-19 hotspots, Triratna Prerna Mandal (TPM) is moving ahead with conviction, to tackle the sanitation situation and ‘flush the virus’! Posted on 23 May, 2020 11:55 AM

Slums, fast growing Covid-19 hotspots!

Training safai and cremation workers on safe practices during the corona pandemic (Image Source: Triratna Prerna Mandal)
Developing an effective participatory groundwater monitoring program at village level
Issues in groundwater management and recharge have been dealt with in a series of booklets as a part of the MARVI project. Posted on 16 May, 2020 03:52 PM

The ‘Managing Aquifer Recharge and Sustaining Groundwater Use through Village-level Intervention’ (MARVI) project is being undertaken since February 2012 with the overall aim to improve the security of irrigation water supplies and enhance livelihood opportunities for rural communities in India.

One of the Bhujal Jankaars measuring groundwater levels manually (Image: Basant Maheshwari)
WASH warriors, in the making!
In addition to improving WASH facilities, changing WASH behaviour at a young age can go a long way in coping with infectious diseases like Covid-19 in the future!
Posted on 15 May, 2020 03:17 PM

Citizens Association for Child Rights (CACR) works with municipal schools in Mumbai with a focus on WASH and menstrual hygiene management and even a digital literacy programme.

WASH warriors, in the making! (Image Source: CACR)
Providing safe drinking water, in difficult times!
How does Piramal Sarvajal plan to deal with the water crisis in the country?
Posted on 24 Apr, 2020 03:36 PM

Piramal Sarvajal, seeded by the Piramal Foundation in 2008, is a mission driven social enterprise which designs and deploys innovative solutions for creating affordable access to safe drinking water in underserved areas.

Safe drinking water, in difficult times (Image Source: PIramal Sarvajal)
Vulnerable, in the time of Covid-19!
Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), Pune has designed a Covid-19 response programme for vulnerable communities.
Posted on 21 Apr, 2020 09:30 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc worldwide and India continues to be in the line of fire. While cases continue to rise, India is also experiencing a crisis of another kind, that of the lockdown affecting the livelihoods of a large number of workers from the informal sector.

Meeting the basic needs of vulnerable communities during Covid-19 (Image Source: SOPPECOM)