Aarti Kelkar Khambete

Aarti Kelkar Khambete
Soil erosion threatens agriculture in India
Soil erosion is major environmental problem in India. What is soil erosion and what are the factors affecting it? Read these FAQs to know more.
Posted on 07 May, 2021 12:16 PM

How is soil formed?

Healthy soil for agricultural production (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Living glasshouses - in the water!
Diatoms, that abound in freshwater ecosystems not only generate 25 percent of oxygen we breathe, but also help save freshwater bodies by detecting pollution! Posted on 16 Feb, 2021 11:29 AM


Diatom (Nitzschia sp. - a pollution indicator) along with other algae from a stream (Image Source: Karthick Balasubramanian)
The Uttarakhand disaster: A warning to be better prepared!
The Uttarakhand disaster reaffirms earlier warnings on the fragility of the Himalayan region calling for more careful planning and preparedness in the future!
Posted on 10 Feb, 2021 02:40 PM

Uttarakhand's Chamoli district experienced massive floods on the morning of 7th February 2021.

A view of the Himalayas. (Source: IWP Flickr photos--photo for representation purpose only)
Breathing life into the dying rivers of Pune!
Jeevitnadi continues with its mission to breathe life into Pune’s rivers and has been awarded the prestigious Bhagirath Prayas Samman 2020 this year!
Posted on 25 Jan, 2021 10:45 PM

In this year’s India Rivers Week (IRW), Jeevitnadi, an organisation working on rivers in Pune city received the prestigious Bhagirath Prayaas Samman for its exemplary work on spreading awareness and undertaking steps to change the situation of rivers in the city!

Mutha, the lifeline of Pune city (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Everything you want to know about drinking water
What is safe drinking water? What is the state of drinking water in India?
Posted on 09 Jan, 2021 01:49 PM

Why is drinking water important?

Safe drinking water, avaluable resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Plundered rivers, vanishing ecosystems: Sandmining in India’s west
While sandmining is increasingly killing rivers in India, what is the state of rivers in western India?
Posted on 16 Dec, 2020 10:51 AM

Unsustainable sandmining practices continue to be rampant in India. This has not only threatened the river ecosystems, but also led to commodification of river sand, a product in high demand in the construction industry. The high profits involved have turned sand mining into a highly competitive business with the sand mafia dominating the scene.

River sand continues to be plundered for the construction industry (Source: P Jeganathan/Wikimedia Commons)
Connecting the dots: Reimagining water security at scale
Can digital technology aid in bringing samaj, bazaar and sarkar closer to solve water and livelihood issues? What do learnings from the ground show? Posted on 09 Dec, 2020 12:17 PM

While water sector actors from samaaj, sarkaar and bazaar have been working for decades on programmes that address water security issues in the country, making a sustainable impact at scale has continued to be a challenge.

Connecting the dots (Image Source: www.kudumbshree.org, kudumbashree via Wikimedia Commons)
Patterns of social exclusion in watershed development in India
How have watershed development projects fared in India? Have they helped in better distribution of benefits among the poor and marginalised?
Posted on 27 Nov, 2020 11:13 PM

How have watershed development projects fared in India? Have they helped in better distribution of benefits among the poor and marginalised? Why is it important to talk about watershed development at this juncture?

This book by Dr Eshwer Kale dwells on these questions and explores issues around social exclusion among resource-poor people in watershed development projects.

Watershed development: Towards equitable outcomes (Image Source: India Water Portal)
The fast disappearing glaciers of Kashmir
The glaciers located in the Kashmir Himalayas are melting at rapid rates posing a threat to water security in the region!. How is Kashmir coping?
Posted on 11 Sep, 2020 02:27 PM

Kashmir’s glaciers are melting at frightening rates. Kolahoi glacier, the largest glacier in Kashmir Himalayas, has lost 23 percent area since 1962 and has fragmented into smaller parts!

Glaciers, frozen rivers of ice

Kolahoi glacier in Kashmir (Image Source: Irfanaru via Wikimedia Commons)
Building awareness to changing behaviour: A paradigm shift with digital technology
Use of online training has not only helped rural and urban residents and government in Maharashtra to become more aware, but also empowered them to take collective action to tackle the pandemic. Posted on 11 Aug, 2020 03:12 PM

Urban India, in the grip of the pandemic

Rural training at the doorstep (Image Source: UNICEF)