Antibiotic-resistant genes in Kerala mangroves
Researchers believe there could be serious consequences if antibiotic-resistant genes move from harmless microbes to pathogens.
Mangrove forest located in the coastal regions of Kerala. (Pic courtesy: India Science Wire)
Trash out: People get together to clean the Himalayas
The Himalayan Cleanup where people collected and sorted trash threw up useful information on the main culprits behind trash piles in the Himalayas.
Volunteers sort plastic trash during the cleanup. (Pic courtesy: Zero Waste Himalaya)
In the business of transformation
A toilet complex managed by college students sets an example of a sustainable model for accessing sanitation.
Delhi Street Art has painted cartoons and caricatures on the walls to attract people to the community toilet complex at Sultanpuri. (Image: Project Raahat, Enactus)
The mystery of the monsoon
While scientists try to understand this unique phenomenon, the moody and often mysterious monsoon continues to challenge us to explore its different facets.
Monsoon remains a mystery even now. (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Challenges of being a ‘Prerak’
The job of a Swachh Bharat Mission Prerak is to ensure the mission is completed on time. They have many hurdles to cross before reaching the finishing line.
Divyanshu Seth and Aishwarya Mishra (second and third from left in the first row) during a menstrual hygiene management session. (Pic courtesy: Divyanshu Seth)
How industries ruined Ratlam’s groundwater
Toxic industrial waste has polluted groundwater in Ratlam. Residents wait for action from authorities.
Women pump contaminated water from the hand pump at Bajankheda. (Source: India Water Portal)
How sand mining impacts ecosystem
A lucrative business, sand mining from rivers done illegally and unscientifically is found to affect riverine ecology.
River sand is preferred for construction because it requires less processing. (Source: P Jeganathan/Wikimedia Commons)
Mudflats erosion changes Gulf of Khambhat shoreline
Researchers find out that a total of about 28.66 sq km area of high tidal mudflats has got eroded within a span of just three-and-a-half years.
Erosion in high tidal mudflats. (Pic courtesy: ISW)
No water security without water quality
A study points out that pit latrines with onsite sanitation systems are a source of groundwater contamination.
Unsanitary conditions lead to groundwater contamination. (Image: SuSanA Secretariat, Attribution [CC BY 2.0])
Breeding climate resilience
Scientists come up with two variables to assess resilience of indigenous breeds of goats against climate change.
Osmanabadi breed, one of the breeds of goats studied for its climate resilience. (Pic courtesy: ISW)
Safe water to fight fluorosis
What Basubai and her children needed to fight fluorosis was access to safe drinking water.
Village woman shows her fluorosis-affected teeth. (Pic courtesy: PSI)
Setting safe sanitation example
Villager builds twin pit latrine and sets example for others on behaviour change and safe sanitation.
Manohar's twin pit latrine gets constructed. (Pic courtesy: PSI)
Micro loans, mega gains
MHT helps reduce drudgery of women in a resettlement colony by providing finances for water and sanitation facilities.
MHT organises poor women around habitat issues in a resettlement colony in Delhi. (Pic: India Water Portal)