USAID Development 2.0 Challenge - 2008

USAID announces the launch of the 2008 USAID Development 2.0 Challenge. Brought to you by the Global Development Commons.The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. Government agency that delivers economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide, is sponsoring a challenge to find the best in mobile innovations for good. Through a NetSquared community vote, fifteen finalists will be chosen. A panel of judges, selected by USAID, will then select the winners. The first place winner will receive a grant of $10,000, the two runner-ups will receive grants of $5,000 each. All three winners will have the opportunity to present their ideas to senior USAID officials, experts, and the public in Washington D.C. A list of participants in the challenge can be accessed here: Challenge - participants Water related technologies are also in the fray for the grant. With Water Technology Assistant providing support to water and sanitation projects, by keeping them connected in the field. The WTA focusses on maintaining the vital connections which help water projects get started, get funded, and succeed at a technical and social level. Learn more about the WTA & vote for it here: The Water Technology Assistant! Living in the shadow of a flood prone river? FloodSMS has the technology to help push SMS based warnings to people downstream of a flood providing them with upto 24 hours advance warning. The technology counts on the availability of data and the rapid penetration of cell phones in rural, flood prone areas. Learn more about FloodSMS and cast your vote here: FloodSMS - Early Detection & Warning! Readers are encouraged to participate in the challenge and cast their votes for choosing the winner! To learn more about how to participate & vote in the challenge: USAID Challenge Vote
Post By: iwp