Channel network delineation and catchment area demarcation of ponds: A GIS-based application
In this research paper, demarcation of the portion of land contributing runoff to ponds in a village has been done using the GIS interface.
Awards ceremony of the "Lost lakes of Bangalore" video contest
The awards ceremony of the Lost lakes of Bangalore video contest was held on July 3, 2010 at the TERI auditorium, Domlur with the student and the general category.
"Kochi: To Get Rs 100 Crore Modern Sewerage System" : Droplets (May '10)
The May'10 newsletter features story on Kochi's Rs100 crore modern sewerage system and other water news.
School water, sanitation and hygiene education - Paper by Water for People
This document emphasises the importance of appropriate sanitation coverage in schools that is gender sensitive and culturally acceptable.
Rank of Indian cities on sanitation (2009-10) - National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation in Indian Cities (MoUD)
The sanitation survey initiated by the Ministry of Urban Development as a part of the National Rating and Award Scheme for Sanitation ranks Indian cities on sanitation.
Holistic Engineering and Hydro-Diplomacy in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin - EPW Paper
This document highlights the importance of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) basin as an important source of water for many of the countries in South Asia.
Uttar Pradesh State Government invites public opinion on Groundwater Bill
The Uttar Pradesh State Government has drafted the Uttar Pradesh Groundwater Conservation, Protection and Development Bill to tackle the deteriorating ground water situation.
Participating in Government Programmes - The Arghyam Experience (2010)
This document is about Arghyam's and its partners' collective experiences in participating in these Government programmes and putting forth the key learnings.
Increasing transparency and accountability – Another win!
The article is about widening the scope of accountability to include private agencies who partner with the government under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model.
Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bihar and mitigation strategies - A research study
This presentation deals with the problem of arsenic contaminated aquifers in the Gangetic belt of Bihar and the failure of the state government in tackling the crisis.
Formulating action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal - Planning Commission Task Force report
This report of the Task Force appointed by the Planning Commission presents an action plan for removal of arsenic contamination in West Bengal.
Mukuteswara Gopalkrishnan to receive American Academy of Water Resources Engineers highest honor
John J. Cassidy and Mukuteswara Gopalakrishnan were recently elected the nineteenth and twentieth Honorary Diplomates of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers.
Agriculture Rainwater Harvesting - Newsletter from International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA)
The current edition of the newsletter features agricultural rainwater harvesting and how it can contribute to the world of farming.
Sankalp awards 2010 winners : SarvaJal & Shramik 3S recognised for their double bottomline(social and financial) returns
Sankalp 2010 Forum and Awards recognizes, awards and connects the most investible social MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium enterprises) operating in 5 high impact sectors.
On variability of hydrological wet season, seasonal rainfall and rainwater potential of river basins in India (using rainfall data over 1813-2006) - An IITM technical paper
The paper discusses climatological and fluctuation features of important parameters of the Hydrological Wet Season for the eleven major and thirty six minor river basins.
Ramsar Small Grants Fund
The Ramsar Small Grants Fund (SGF) was established in 1990 to assist developing countries in implementing and supporting the conservation and wise use of wetland resources.
Piped water supply to Greater Bangalore: Putting the cart before the horse – An EPW special article
The paper critically evaluates the GWSAP which aims at extending piped water supply from the Cauvery to over two million residents in peri-urban Bangalore.
Developing markets for watershed services and improved livelihoods: Fair deals for watershed services in India - An IIED research paper
The report presents experiences and learnings in developing Incentive-based Mechanisms (IBMs) for watershed protection services and improved livelihoods in two Indian states.
Ensuring safe drinking water through innovative technologies to eradicate fluorosis - Sachetana Project - Information manual by BIRDK and Govt of Karnataka
This manual provides the details of the Sachetana project that aims to provide safe drinking water to fluorosis affected populations through the adoption of innovative technologies.
Community-led Total Sanitation newsletter for May 2010
Highlights of the newsletter from the CLTS include story on vigilance by young girls and women, a one pager by Anupam Verma of Knowledge Links.