Ensuring safe drinking water through innovative technologies to eradicate fluorosis - Sachetana Project - Information manual by BIRDK and Govt of Karnataka

Ensuring safe drinking water through innovative technologies to eradicate fluorosis - Sachetana Project - BIRDK and Govt of KarnatakaThis manual produced by BIRD-K and DRDPR (GoK) provides the details of the Sachetana project that aims to provide safe drinking water to fluorosis affected populations through the adoption of innovative technologies for rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge.

The project is being implemented through the Gram Panchayats of 60 villages from 4 taluks among three districts of Karnataka state over a period of five years (2006-11).

The objectives of the project include:

  • Provision of safe drinking water through innovative rain harvesting structures
  • Recharge of groundwater through excavation of percolation ponds
  • Recharge of existing bore wells and direct recharge of aquifers
  • Awareness generation activities to promote sustainable management and management of water resources and water harvesting structures.

The manual describes the process of implementation of the project along the following sections:

  • Project area under consideration
  • Major interventions undertaken
  • Special features of the project
  • Activities undertaken in the project
  • Benefits of the project and the beneficiaries targeted
  • Funds allotted for the activities undertaken

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Post By: reena