Safe water dissemination workshop by PATH held on January 19-20, 2012 at New Delhi
PATH organized a Dissemination Workshop of its Safe Water Project at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on January 19-20, 2012.
Water quality monitoring of lakes in and around Bangalore city
This report by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) both in Kannada and English highlights the deteriorating condition of the lakes in and around Bangalore city.
Nutrient-based fertiliser subsidy: Will farmers adopt agricultural best management practices? An article in EPW
The new nutrient-based fertiliser subsidy policy provides implicit incentives to farmers to test soil samples regularly and get crop-wise recommended doses of nutrients.
Towards good sense on Mullaperiyar - EPW - January (2007)
This article published in the Economic and Political Weekly briefly attempts to set forth the nature of the Mullaperiyar dispute.
Solar and wind based freshwater, saltwater and brackish water purification systems
This article presents how Trunz water systems has converted the vision of a simple self-sufficient water treatment system into practice.
Alternative National Water Policy: Ramaswamy Iyer's response to comments by Rahul Banerjee and Chetan Pandit in EPW
Ramaswamy Iyer responds to comments in EPW by Rahul Banerjee and Chetan Pandit on his alternative National Water Policy
Mining poisons South Goa waters: The case of the Salaulim reservoir shown in a film
This film describes the impact of excessive mining on water resources in South Goa .
River basin planning for Ganga : Lessons from Murray-Darling Basin Authority
A report by Amita on the round table meeting held at India International Centre, New Delhi on the topic of river basin planning for Ganga on February 1, 2012.
Community monitoring in water and sanitation projects - A facilitators manual by PRIA
This manual published by Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) aims at creating a basic understanding of the concept, principles and steps of community monitoring.
Global change, wastewater and health in fast growing economies - Paper published in the journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
This paper published in the journal Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability draws attention to the serious issue of poor water quality in the developing economies.
Planning as commoning - Transformation of a Bangalore lake - Paper published in the EPW
This paper in EPW deals with the transformation of a lake in Bangalore.