The status of glaciers in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region - A report by the ICIMOD
This study by ICIMOD provides a comprehensive account of the number and status of glaciers across the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region.
Framework for valuing ecosystem services in the Himalayas - An ICIMOD technical report
This document by ICIMOD outlines a general framework for economic valuation of ecosystem services in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan (HKH) region
"Water management in Mumbai: Prospects and challenges" - Videos from a round table organised by Observer Research Foundation
These videos from a round table organised by Observer Research Foundation deal with the issue of water management in Mumbai.
Multi-stakeholder dialogue is messy, but necessary
Presentations made at the workshop on "Understanding and resolving water conflicts in the North East India", organised in January 2012.
"Understanding and resolving water conflicts in the North East": Workshop held at Guwahati, 23-26 January 2012
This report deals with an event on resolving water conflicts in the North East held at Guwahati.
Climate change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas -The state of current knowledge - A book by ICIMOD
This book by ICIMOD presents an analyses of the available data on climate change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region, and identifies persisting insufficiencies in the data.
Climate change adaptation in Himachal Pradesh - Sustainable strategies for water resources - A report by the ADB
This report published by the Asia Development Bank (ADB) includes the findings of the study that examined the status of water resources in Himachal Pradesh.
Adapting to climate change - Conserving rice biodiversity of the Apatani tribe in North East India - An IGREC working paper
This working paper published by the Institute of Green Economy (IGREC) describes the traditional rice growing practices of the Apatani tribes in Arunachal Pradesh.
Climate: Observations, projections and impacts - India - A report by the Met Office (UK)
This report by the Met Office, UK describes the findings of a study that aimed at compiling observations, projections and impacts of climate change in the context of India
Adaptation to climate change with a focus on rural areas and India - A document by GTZ (India)
This document is an outcome of ongoing project by GTZ and MoEF to devise ways of dealing with the inevitable impacts of climate change.
Stress of urban pollution on largest natural wetland ecosystem in East Kolkata - Causes, consequences and improvement
This paper looks at the impact of urban pollution on the Eastern Kolkata wetlands where fish farming is carried out.
Living rivers, dying rivers: Rivers in the Western Ghats
The sixth lecture in the series titled "Living Rivers, Dying Rivers" was delivered by Parineeta Dandekar and Pandurang Hegde.
Free flowing stretch of river Seetha Nadi in the Western Ghats (Source: SANDRP)
"Bottle it up: We can use it" - Scientific studies on human urine - A presentation by Arghyam
This presentation deals with the issue of reuse of human urine in agriculture.
Water conservation, sustainable agriculture, challenges for rural development in Maharashtra and possible solutions - Talk by Popatrao Pawar, Sarpanch, Hivre-Bazar
These four video films cover a talk by Shri Popatrao Pawar, Sarpanch of Hivre-Bazar (Ahmednagar), Maharashtra.
Lift irrigation - Methods and practices: A manual by Mihir Maitra (AFPRO)
This book was published by AFPRO in order to provide guidance to technical staff members of grassroots organisations working in rural development, particularly in the field of agriculture.
Governing the urban poor - Riverfront development, slum resettlement and the politics of inclusion in Ahmedabad - A paper published in EPW
This EPW paper by Renu Desai describes the case of the Sabarmati Riverfront Development (SRD) project in Ahmedabad.