Increasing water security for the urban underserved
A pilot study with Composite Water Vulnerability Index tool designed for ranking of slums shows that 30% households are Beyond the Pipe (BtP).
Piramal Sarvajal and Center for Water and Sanitation launch the  Composite Water Vulnerability Index Tool (Image: Piramal Sarvajal)
Illegal river bed mining continues unabated in north India
Need effective sand mining governance and law enforcement to address the plundering of the rich river ecosystem.
Law enforcement is missing on the ground causing immense environmental damage to the river ecosystem (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Administrative reforms towards Atmanirbhar Bharat
Accountable and efficient governance should reach the last mile.
Bracing for data reporting challenges
Why is your field team slack about data reporting? How can they be involved in the reporting processes?
The data capture happens as a part of the users’ workflow instead of being batched together as a separate activity, to be done later (Image: Geralt, Pixabay license)
Bespoke software vs. platform: Choosing between the two
The essential tradeoff between these two options is of cost, time, risk, and requirement match.
The term platform has a specific meaning which differentiates it from technology/software applications. (Image: Needpix)
Meghalaya villages join hands to save environment and bolster women empowerment
Villages in Meghalaya have not only successfully dealt with their water problems, but also encouraged women to get involved in the process. And the effects have been for all to see!
Water collected at a mega dam in a village in Meghalaya (Image Source: KM-MBDA)
Open source products protect against technology obsolescence
Open-source products offer a technology evolution path and help avoid risks in technology projects.
Open source products track the sector and the technology evolution and evolve themselves continuously. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Let's talk sanitation! Kakkaman is here, this WTD2020
“If you don’t manage your shit, it will come back to your plate”. Have you ever wondered about this? In the absence of proper sanitation this could very well become the reality!
Launch of Kakkaman in Tamil Nadu
Ahar pynes: Traditional flood harvesting systems of South Bihar
The Ahar pynes of South Bihar are a classic example of a community managed irrigation systems and need urgent revival.
Ahar Pyne system in Gaya, South Bihar  (Image courtesy: Hindi Water Portal)
Leave no household behind
Access to basic entitlements is a critical safety net for vulnerable communities.
Basic entitlements, a safety net for vulnerable communities (Image Source: India Water Portal Flickr photos)
Springs that sustain millions
Springs, the greenest source of water, and the strongest bulwark against climate change in the mountains are in dire need of protection.
Springshed management has brought the much-required difference in people's lives, as the discharge of the springs increased (Image: Kedarnathsmritivan; Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0))
A sanitation veteran leads from the front
Gyanchand Mishra has leveraged help from the urban local body and the Project Nirmal team to improve the city's sanitation chain.
As a result of Gyanchand Mishra's efforts, Ward 3 of Dhenkanal became ODF in a matter of a month
Breaking down data silos in the water sector
The National Hydrology Project has created a national platform for water data and is working to enhance the technical capacities of agencies dealing with water resources management.
Breakthrough cloud computing facilities and remote sensing applications have helped showthe filling pattern of a water body (tank or reservoir) through freely available satellite imagery at an interval of five days.  (Image: Maithan dam, Wikimedia Commons)
What India needs for effective waste management in times of the pandemic
The pandemic has exposed the flaws in our waste management system.
Image: Roksana Helscher, Pixabay
Creating a repository for India’s water resources data
WRIS provides a comprehensive, authoritative and consistent data on India’s water resources in a standardised national GIS framework.
Remoteness of the observation sites poses a challenge in setting up the data collection instrument (Image: Pxfuel)
Generating demand for sanitation infrastructure
How to steer conversations and processes that help boost the motivation of community leaders to encourage better sanitation behaviour?
Project Nirmal uses appropriate communication inputs that help generate awareness about the impact of poor containment, collection, transportation and treatment systems on the environment among all stakeholders. (Image: SCI-FI, CPR)