Changing seasons and diarrhoeal diseases
This study in urban and rural areas of Vellore, Tamil Nadu found that seasonal fluctuations had an effect on water quality and diarrhoeal disease risk.
Water quality, seasonality and diarrhoeal diseases (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Collateral damage: Buffalo herders and privatisation of water
Livestock herders are the unreported victims of unpredictable rainfall, denied access to existing sources of water, and xenophobia. India Water Portal speaks to one such set of refugees.
Buffaloes huddle  in the meagre shade offered by roadside trees in their search for water
Two states, a canal and a river
A solution to the problem of sharing Yamuna waters continues to elude Delhi and Haryana even as the river dries up and caste issues flare up.
Munak canal to check seepage losses along the Western Yamuna Canal and to augment its supply
A lac cooperative’s success story
A lac cooperative in Jharkhand strengthens and streamlines the lac-production system
TRCSC promoting lac based products like bangles through training of over 200 women members of SHGs
"SWM-ing" against the tide
While solid waste management is largely ignored by Panchayats and citizens, Goa manages to go against this trend. How does it do this?
A roadside wetland remains a biodiversity haven instead of being clogged with trash in Vernem,Goa
Urban sanitation in India: Lessons from Brazil
Brazil’s trajectory of industrial growth & rapid urbanisation is akin to India. Then how has it managed to provide it’s urban citizens better sanitation facilities?
Urban sanitation: A challenge for India (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Mangrove nurseries protect coasts and livelihoods
Mangrove plantations in coastal Odisha are not just protecting people from storms and cyclones, but also opening up new livelihood possibilities.
Mangrove Nursery at Naupal ( Source: Regional Centre For Development Cooperation)
Water management for climate resilient agriculture
Water management should be given number one priority in agricultural policy to prevent droughts, minimise risks due to droughts and build a climate-resilient agriculture.
Agriculture and climate change (Source: India Water Portal)
River dispute: Haryana manages water better than Punjab
Data shows Haryana has done better than its parent state, but the positives are getting lost as both states clamour for more.
A bridge over Satluj river in Punjab. Source: Harpreet Riat/Wikimedia Commons