Water Management

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December 16, 2022 In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
December 6, 2022 Need to shift to a more sustainable diet without compromising on major nutrients and calories
Historically, India has been a net exporter of virtual water (Image: PxHere)
November 6, 2022 A film that focuses on importance of communitarian in situ water management
People are struggling to get the quantity and quality of water in urban areas (Image: Makarand Purohit)
September 21, 2022 The unique design and functioning of the Chakla bavdi in Chanderi Madhya Pradesh is another example of the water wisdom of our ancestors, which needs to be conserved and passed on to the future generations.
Chakla Bavdi at Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (Image Source: Shirole, S. 2022. Architectural eloquence: Water harvesting structure in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh (India). Ancient Asia, 13: 9, pp. 1–13)
March 21, 2022 Recognizing women's accumulated knowledge and adaptive capacities in springshed management
Van Panchayat Samiti discussing the matters related to forest (Image: Varun Raja)
March 11, 2022 Subsidies enable tribal farmers to adopt micro-irrigation systems providing them assured irrigation
A key mitigation strategy to deal with water scarcity due to climate change is on-farm management of water using techniques like micro-irrigation (Image: India Water Portal Flickr)
Micro-watershed database for Maharashtra: Compilation by FoRWARD
This spreadsheet compiled by FoRWaRD contains taluk/tehsil level data of the status of recent and current watershed projects in Maharashtra Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 06:02 PM

To download the spreadsheet Click here

The Baitarani river basin project in Orissa: A civil society initiative to explore options for futuristic resources management in the river basin
The project follows a holistic approach and tries to connect basin stakeholders’ across space and time, thereby addressing their livelihood concerns for present and future, across the basin landscape Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 05:06 PM

Baitarani River Basin Project is a civil society initiative to proactively explore options for futuristic resources management in this river basin. It also attempts to blend concerns for environment with livelihood, goals of local with global development, issues of rights with market and focus of sustainability with equity.

Water section from environment report of Punjab (2007)
The report details the action undertaken by the state for water conservation and quality management in Punjab along with recommendations for the future Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 03:55 PM

This section on water from the Punjab State of the Environment Report has been presented in the attachment. In addition to the actions being taken up by the state for conservation of water resources and preservation of its quality, the following additions are recommended in the report–

Water Conservation

Groundwater monitoring network of CGWB for Raipur
This page has information about the groundwater monitoring network of CGWB for Raipur Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 02:40 PM

The bottom of the page has links to some maps showing groundwater levels and variations in Chhatisgarh state in 2005-2006

Read more

Chapter on water resources from the Chhattisgarh State of the Environment Report
Details of the status of water resources in 2004 in the state of Chhattisgarh Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 02:14 PM

The chapter on Water Resources from the Chhatisgarh State of the Environment Report, 2004 begins with a discussion of the problems in the State like (a) limited irrigation potential created (b) unbalanced irrigable land to cultivable land ratio in districts (c) low budget for maintenance of created irrigation facilities and (d) over-dependence on paddy cultivation.

Central Ground Water Board's hydrogeological survey of West Bengal
A map of West Bengal from the CGWB showing groundwater yield prospects Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 01:26 PM

Courtesy: CGWB

West Bengal at a glance

Status of groundwater in Charama block of Kanker district, Chattisgarh: Report from Central Ground Water Board
Summary report from Central Groundwater Board on the status of groundwater in Charama block of Kanker district of Chattisgarh Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 01:14 PM

The brochure provides complete information about the block and gives an overview of its geology as well as hydrogeology.

Pre-monsoon and post monsoon levels of water in the block have been mapped along with the hydrogeology of the region.

Download the brochure from link provided below

The status of water resources in West Bengal: A report by Kalyan Rudra
The report by Kalyan Rudra discusses how the management of spatially uneven and temporally skewed rain-water in India is the most serious challenge for the water-managers Posted on 12 Aug, 2009 12:58 PM

The availability of water, water requirement versus supply, water requirements for some major crops, groundwater exploitation, growth of population, and declining per capita water in the state of West Bengal are presented.

Andhra Pradesh State of the Environment: A report from ENVIS
The report has a number of recommendations regarding environmental care and protection that not only influences governmental policy, but also citizen action Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 04:00 PM

The Andhra Pradesh State of the Environment Report is available at the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) cell of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) here

Water resources in Tikamgarh and Jhansi districts – A status report by Development Alternatives
The report is an effort to conduct rapid assessment of status of water and wastewater management and the potential to introduce integrated approach with an aim to provide “water for all, always’ Posted on 11 Aug, 2009 03:02 PM

Some of the main findings of the status report on water resources in Tikamgarh and Jhansi districts by Development Alternatives are –
