Voluntary Citizen or Civil Society Sector

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
October 1, 2021 Community videos as a tool to influence behaviour change and adoption in rural communities
Community videos are produced by farmers themselves and feature local participants and agents from the rural communities themselves (Image: Digital Green)
September 17, 2021 Benefits of well-managed commons on livelihoods
Collective efforts revived the canal structure of Bichhiya dam bringing water to the village (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
September 4, 2021 Committed to use the power of all forms of communication to bring about behavioral change and transformation at scale
Villagers participating in shramdaan for making watershed structures (Image: Paani Foundation)
September 3, 2021 Safe water learning cards being used to train a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Different combinations of safe water learning cards can be customised for a session based on the target audience (Image: INREM)
June 4, 2021 Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Decentralized wastewater management – An overview of a community initiatives in New Delhi - Vigyan Vijay Foundation
Ajit Seshadri argues how centralized approaches to wastewater treatment have had limited success in India. Posted on 05 Sep, 2011 11:40 AM

This paper by Ajit Seshadri, Vigyan Vijay Foundation highlights the poor sanitation situation in India and argues that centralized approaches to wastewater treatment have had limited success and there is a need to make wastwater treatment people centric and effective through the use of decentralized systems such as DEWATS (Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems). DEWATS are locally organized and people driven systems that typically comprise a settler, anaerobic baffled tanks, filter beds of gravel and sand, and an open pond. The open pond or the polishing tank recreates a living environment for the wastewater to clean itself, naturally.

WMG invites applications for Coordinators and Livelihoods Program Manager, Panchgani, Maharashtra
Posted on 04 Sep, 2011 11:35 AM


Watershed Management Group (WMG) has opened its doors near Panchgani, Maharashtra in western India where it has partnered with a local organization, Grampari, to provide health and environment services to rural communities. Grampari conducts livelihood and local governance programs such as skills development and entrepreneurship training.

WMG and Grampari are jointly developing several programs including sanitation & hygiene and community-based watershed management.

UNICEF invites applications for a Consultant at New Delhi - Apply by September 3, 2011
Posted on 03 Sep, 2011 09:39 AM


United Nation International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. They have the global authority to influence decision-makers, and a variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality.  That makes them unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young.

UNICEF believes that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress. It was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. 

Tribal movements and livelihoods – Recent developments in Orissa – A working paper by CPRC-IIPA
This working paper by Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) and Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC) deals with recent developments in tribal movements and livelihoods in Orissa. Posted on 31 Aug, 2011 08:48 PM

For the last few decades and more particularly since 1990’s the issue of human rights-violation of rights to life and livelihood of tribal peoples’ is a central concern. Therefore, the discourse on tribal movements and issues of tribal livelihood revolved around securing their well-defined rights on land and forest resources.

NIUA invites applications for post of Editor and Research Analyst – Apply by October 27, 2011
Posted on 30 Aug, 2011 02:31 PM


National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), a premier autonomous Institute for urban research, training and information dissemination, urban development and management supported by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India, invites applications for the following posts -

HREA invites applications for short certificate courses in human rights – Apply by September 1, 2011
Posted on 28 Aug, 2011 10:22 AM



Human Rights Education Associates (HREA) is an international non-governmental organisation that supports human rights learning; the training of activists and professionals; the development of educational materials and programming; and community-building through on-line technologies. HREA is dedicated to quality education and training to promote understanding, attitudes and actions to protect human rights, and to foster the development of peaceable, free and just communities.

IDRC invites research awards for training in research management and grant administration – Apply by September 12, 2011
Posted on 27 Aug, 2011 11:10 AM


International Development Research Centre (IDRC) supports applied research to find local solutions that will have lasting impacts on communities around the world.

The IDRC research awards aim to provide exposure to research for international development through a program of training in research management and grant administration under the guidance of IDRC program staff.

This competition is for positions starting in early 2012. The number of awards varies each year. Approximately 15 awards will be offered in 2012.

Draft of Land Acquisition and Resettlement & Rehabilitation Bill, 2011 in public domain - Comments invited by Ministry of Rural Development till 31st August, 2011
The MoRD has on 29th July, 2011 released the draft Land Acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation bill, 2011 in public domain as part of the pre-legislative consultative process. Posted on 15 Aug, 2011 05:35 PM

Guest post by: Amita Bhaduri

The drafting of a new legislation on these issues was taken up by a Group of Ministers in May 2007 and this is the second draft bill presented by the UPA Government.

Delhi Water Privatization - WASH News and policy update
Bi-monthly e-Newsletter of India WASH Forum, Issue 19, July 2011 Posted on 03 Aug, 2011 06:20 PM

Content courtesy: India WASH Forum

India WASH Forum

WaterAid invites applications for the position of Fundraising & Grant Manager based at New Delhi - Apply by August 6, 2011
Posted on 03 Aug, 2011 05:44 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia

WaterAid logo


WaterAid is an international nongovernmental organisation focused exclusively on improving poor people’s access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation in developing countries.