Voluntary Citizen or Civil Society Sector

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
October 1, 2021 Community videos as a tool to influence behaviour change and adoption in rural communities
Community videos are produced by farmers themselves and feature local participants and agents from the rural communities themselves (Image: Digital Green)
September 17, 2021 Benefits of well-managed commons on livelihoods
Collective efforts revived the canal structure of Bichhiya dam bringing water to the village (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
September 4, 2021 Committed to use the power of all forms of communication to bring about behavioral change and transformation at scale
Villagers participating in shramdaan for making watershed structures (Image: Paani Foundation)
September 3, 2021 Safe water learning cards being used to train a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Different combinations of safe water learning cards can be customised for a session based on the target audience (Image: INREM)
June 4, 2021 Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Open Confusion: Charba and Coca Cola
The Uttarakhand State Government leased land to Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages but the villagers of Charba were completely in the dark about this. Why is there a lack of transparency? Posted on 10 Aug, 2013 08:36 PM

Charba is a small village in Uttarakhand with a population of 10,000. It is located in the 'Vikas Nagar' area just beyond Dehradun - a section that the government has denoted an industrial area. This little village shot to fame when Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages (HCCB) decided to build a plant there.

Radha Behen addresses the villagers
Invite for an International course on 'Farming, Natural home building and Self Sustainable Living', Krisit, Rajasthan, November 2013 - October 2014
A 12 month programme that will teach you to create and manage a 100%self-sustainable -profitable farm with a Vedic Vastu house
Posted on 10 Aug, 2013 02:11 PM

For details on this very interesting course please click here

Applications invited for ' Ecovillage Design Education Course', Organic Farming Association of India (OFAI), Koraput, Orissa, September10-October 8, 2013
A holistic approach to education for sustainable development by developing curricula for sustainable community design
Posted on 10 Aug, 2013 08:07 AM

For details on the sustainable training course please click here

You may also download the brochure for the course from below

Seminar on 'Who is to blame for the Uttarakhand disaster', Uttarakhand Aapada Rahat Manch, New Delhi
A discussion by prominent speakers on the deluge and destruction that gripped Uttarakhand
Posted on 07 Aug, 2013 01:55 PM

Organiser details

Uttarakhan Aapada Rahat Manch

About the seminar

Discussion on the cause of the Uttarakhand disaster and how the rehabilitation process can be strenghthened


Uttarakhand devastated
Waterless in Whitefield- Learn, discuss & find solutions to your water woes, Jagriti Theatre, Bangalore
How much water do you use? What can you do? Be empowered to take action- learn what we can do together to solve this crisis?
Posted on 07 Aug, 2013 12:24 PM

Hosted by

Jagriti Theatre

About the event

Water is a rapidly diminishing resource, the basis of life. 

Learn about Whitefield’s water usage and issues, discover solutions, and find out what you can do to help solve Whitefield’s water woes.

Jagriti Theatre
Invitation for Expression of interest (EOI) in Health Nutrition Water & Sanitation (HNWASH) & Open Defecation Free (ODF) assignments, Government of Odisha
An invitation to agencies having interest for CLTS approach to help in preparing for larger community participation in the total sanitation of Odisha state
Posted on 06 Aug, 2013 03:30 PM

Offered by 

Government of Odisha & United Kingdom's Department for International Development

Background information

Invite to international conference on 'City of Kota - The Next Solar Destination', Cities Network Campaign, Kota, Rajasthan
The city of Kota, in its efforts to move towards using green technologies to nurture a sustainable planet, is unleashing the Solar Energy potential in eastern Rajasthan
Posted on 06 Aug, 2013 02:43 PM


Cities Network Campaign & The Green Mantra

About the conference

Cities Network Campaign
Applications invited for ICIMOD Media Fellowship 2013 for journalists from Northeast India
The primary goal is to help strengthen capacity of environmental journalists and facilitate a deeper understanding of issues related to climate change and sustainable mountain development.
Posted on 05 Aug, 2013 08:07 AM

Offered by 

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

About the Fellowship

Yamuna’s Delhi
Delhi was once well-planned along the course of the river Yamuna but it isn't so any more. It can reach a similar state with thoughtful and better urban planning, says Anupam Mishra. Posted on 04 Aug, 2013 07:55 PM

History tells us cities were settled and abandoned several times in Delhi. But I have not come across an explanation for why the city was repeatedly established at the same site. Surely, the presence of the river Yamuna to the east of Delhi would have been a reason. The Yamuna, though is not a small river; it flows for 1,300 km.

Yamuna; Source: www.pilgrimageindia.net
National Conference on 'Water Management In India – 2013', IBK Media, Ahmedabad
A conference to understand new policies and updates on National Water Policy
Posted on 02 Aug, 2013 11:58 AM


Indian Business Media Knowledge (IBK Media)

About the conference

IBK Media