Urban Sanitation

Featured Articles
October 15, 2022 Synthesis of water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) spatial pattern in rural India: an integrated interpretation of WaSH practices
People in rural areas lack potable water, and use unsafe sanitation and hygiene facilities (Image: Sebastian Dahl)
July 7, 2022 PMAY needs policy commitment to rehabilitate slums in small and medium cities of Gujarat
Need for legal framework for land rights in small and medium cities of Gujarat under PMAY (Image: Homes in the City)
December 2, 2021 Public toilets and choice of work for women
Separation between women and men’s toilets (Image: Rajesh Pamnani; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
July 6, 2021 If trends persist, billions will be left without critical, life-saving WASH services, says a SDG monitoring report

Between 2016 and 2020, the global population with safely managed drinking water at home increased from 70% to 74% (Image: Pxhere)
April 13, 2021 There is a need for long term sustained engagement of the skilled workforce for water and sanitation
Swachhagrahis are the motivators for bringing about behaviour change concerning key sanitation practices in rural India. (Image: SBM)
December 28, 2020 The pandemic has exacerbated the issues of exclusion and vulnerability of sanitation workers.
Despite the risks and the dire conditions of their work, sanitation workers continued to do their job (Image: C S Sharada Prasad, India Water Portal)
Human Development Report 2006 United Nations Development Programme
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

The human development report for the year 2006 published by the United Nations Development Programme focuses on water and sanitation and is divided into the following chapters:

Asia water watch 2015 progress made by asian nations in meeting target 10 of the millennium development goals
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

This report by the Asia Development Bank aims at assessing the progress made by asian nations, in meeting target 10 of the millennium development goals, which is "to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people with

Tirupur water supply and sanitation project : an impediment to sustainable water management
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

This paper published on the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) website examines the reasons behind the new project and the institutional, financial and legal aspects of the Tirupur PPP.

It also examines important legal issues such as the right to water, competing interests in water, financing of projects, waste water management and the environmental consequences of the PPP. More particularly, it questions the wisdom of planning a water supply project that seeks to prioritize the needs of a polluting industry over the basic water needs of the region.

The New Tirupur Area Development Corporation Limited (NTADCL) is the first public private partnership, set up in 1995 primarily to supply industrial water to Tirupur, a major export centre for knitwear, in India. This water supply and sewerage project is also the first project to be structured on a commercial format; first concession by a state government to a public limited company to draw raw water for domestic and industrial uses and to collect revenues; the first index-based user charges and direct cost recovery for urban environmental services.

Sewage canal: how to clean the Yamuna a presentation by Centre for Science and Environment CSE
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

This presentation provides an introduction to the book by the Centre for Science and Environment(CSE) titled Sewage Canal: How to Clean the Yamuna”. As per the presentation, several crore rupees have been sunk into plans to clean up the Yamuna.

Delhi jal board act 1998 and amendment bill 2002
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

Delhi jal board act (1998)

The Delhi jal board act, 1998 aims to provide for the establishment of a Board to discharge the functions of water supply, sewerage and sewage disposal and drainage within the National Capital Territory of Delhi and for matters connected therewith. The Government after the issue of the notification under sub-section (3) of Section 1, constituted the Delhi Water Board by notification in the official Gazette.

Assessing the operation and maintenance status of water supply A WHO Publication
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

The term "Operation and Maintenance" has been used as a general concept covering a wide range of activities carried out by utilities, government and communities in order to sustain their services and to maintain existing capital assets.

Urban water and sanitation services, an IWRM approach: a booklet from TEC education series from Global Water Partnership
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

This series, published by the GWP Secretariat in Stockholm has been created to disseminate the papers written and commissioned by the TEC to address the conceptual agenda. Issues and sub-issues with them, such as the understanding and definition of IWRM, water for food security, public-private partnerships, and water as an economic good have been addressed in these papers.

Upgrading and improving urban water services an overview paper by Water and Sanitation Program
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

Performance improvement planning helps service providers in bringing about incremental improvements in services by applying the principles of commercial orientation and financial viability. This overview paper by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) South Asia of the World Bank, explores how such improvements can be undertaken so that they remain sustainable in the long run as well.

Case studies on urban water management and rainwater harvesting from India and across the world
Posted on 22 Nov, 2014 10:30 AM

Best practices on urban water management from across the world

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Urban domestic rainwater harvesting in the residence of Prithvi and Purushotham
