Asia water watch 2015 progress made by asian nations in meeting target 10 of the millennium development goals

This report by the Asia Development Bank aims at assessing the progress made by asian nations, in meeting target 10 of the millennium development goals, which is "to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation".

The report works out the cost of achieving MDG Target 10, roles of different stake holders, and how meeting this critical target can advance countries toward achieving all eight MDGs. As per the results of the report, India is on track to meet MDG Target 10 and has been projected to meet both its water supply and sanitation indicator levels in both rural and urban areas by 2015. The report is divided into the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Setting the Scene: Water, Poverty, and the MDGs
  • Chapter 2: Water Supply Coverage: Progress and Prospects
  • Chapter 3: Sanitation Coverage: Progress and Prospects
  • Chapter 4: Meeting Target 10: How Much Will It Cost?
  • Chapter 5: Maximizing Target 10: Reaping the Full Social and Economic Benefits
  • Chapter 6: Defining the Challenges: Where Change is Needed
  • Chapter 7: Meeting the Challenges: Who Should Do What?

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Post By: iwpsuperadmin