Surface Water

Featured Articles
October 11, 2022 In an effort to inform the general public, especially citizen activists, policymakers, researchers, and students, about the current status of the Vrishabhavathi river, Paani.Earth has created the necessary maps, data, analysis, and information to drive conservation awareness and action around the river.
Vrishabhavathi river (Image Source: Paani.Earth)
August 9, 2022 Ensuring irrigation through farm ponds in tribal Chhattisgarh
Many tribal farmers opted for individual farm ponds under MGNREGA ensuring protective irrigation. (Image: Meenakshi Singh)
November 8, 2020 The National Hydrology Project has created a national platform for water data and is working to enhance the technical capacities of agencies dealing with water resources management.
Breakthrough cloud computing facilities and remote sensing applications have helped showthe filling pattern of a water body (tank or reservoir) through freely available satellite imagery at an interval of five days.  (Image: Maithan dam, Wikimedia Commons)
December 26, 2019 Policy matters this week
The Mandovi river disputed between Karnataka and Goa (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Remote sensing and GIS applications in zonation of waterlogging in command areas – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study assesses waterlogging in a canal command area in Rohtak and Jhajjhar districts through waterlogging area zonation using multi-spectral imagery data of pre and post monsoon period. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 04:48 PM

The study assesses waterlogging in a canal command area in Rohtak and Jhajjhar districts through waterlogging area zonation using multi-spectral and multi-temporal imagery like IRS LISS III data of pre and post monsoon period. Seasonal and permanent waterlogged area and standing water were delineated on the basis of remote sensing data, digital elevation model and groundwater data.

Groundwater quality in adjoining areas of River Yamuna at Delhi - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study assesses the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation use and examines the likely impact of Yamuna river water quality on groundwater in New Delhi. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 04:41 PM

The study assesses the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation use and examines the likely impact of Yamuna river water quality on groundwater. Delhi is faced with severe problems associated with groundwater quality and quantity. The quality varies spatially and seasonally, with depth and is primarily governed by the extent and composition of dissolved solids present in it. Surface water bodies play a role and the hydraulic gradient determines the lateral and vertical migration in the groundwater flow system.

Groundwater samples were collected through extensive field surveys covering entire Delhi area representing various geo-hydrological and land-use conditions. The data has been analysed with respect to BIS and WHO standards to examine its suitability for various uses. The area has a peculiar feature of infiltration of surface water to groundwater from river Yamuna and from various drains.

Snow cover estimation in Himalayan basins using remote sensing: A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study estimates the snow cover area for four major basins in the Himalayan region from Chenab up to Akhnoor, Ganga up to Devprayag, Satluj up to Bhakra and Beas up to Pandoh. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 04:37 PM

The study estimates the snow cover area for four major basins in the Himalayan region viz. Chenab up to Akhnoor, Ganga up to Devprayag, Satluj up to Bhakra and Beas up to Pandoh using IRS - IC and ID WiFS data. Snow cover estimation was done for the years 1997-2000 using image processing system ERDAS Imagine. The maximum and minimum snow cover extent for the month of September-October and March-April were delineated and on the basis of these the depletion curves for each basin was made for the four years. This output is useful for carrying out snowmelt runoff modeling.

Comprehensive hydrological study of Malaprabha and Ghataprabha representative basins – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The hydrological study of the Krishna river basin attempts to standardize and develop methodologies for providing solutions for various hydrological problems of the hard rock regions of India. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 04:26 PM

The hydrological study for the experimental representative basins, Ghataprabha and Malaprabha, of the Krishna river basin attempts to standardize and develop methodologies for providing solutions for understanding and solving various hydrological problems of the hard rock regions of India.

Representative basins are basins, which are selected as representative of a hydrological region within which hydrological similarity is presumed and can be used for intensive investigation of specific problems of the hydrological cycle. This can then take a wide-ranging role representing a broad area to which the data can be transferred. 

Water balance study of Krishnai River Basin based on Thornthwaite’s concept of Potential Evapotranspiration: A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study aims to determine the climatological water balance of Krishnai river basin in Goalpura, Assam using the popular Thornthwaite’s concept of Potential Evapotranspiration (PET). Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 02:35 AM

The study aims to determine the climatological water balance of Krishnai river basin in Goalpura, Assam using the popular Thornthwaite’s concept of Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) to calculate the availability of water for various uses. The method offers a firm basis for appraising the problems related to water development projects in the planning stage and provides a sound footing for operating and managing the system. 

Geomorphology and soil erosion in Juni Nadi watershed - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study estimates geomorphological parameters and soil loss using the USLE and GIS techniques for the Juni Nadi watershed in Jammu Siwaliks for developing soil conservation strategies. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 02:17 AM

The study estimates geomorphological parameters and soil loss using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques for the Juni nadi watershed in Jammu Siwaliks with the idea of helping planners develop soil conservation strategies. Geomorphological characteristics of a river basin shape runoff processes and the occurrence of floods especially in the mountainous areas. In ungauged catchments with limited data, such as Juni nadi watershed, these parameters can be useful in understanding the hydrological characteristics. Reliable estimates of soil loss too can be useful in formulating watershed strategies to reduce soil loss to acceptable levels.  

Effect of forest cover changes on sediment yield of Upper Indravati reservoir catchment - Orissa: A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study uses remote sensing data to estimate the annual sediment load from the Upper Indravati catchment in Orissa for the year 2000. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 02:08 AM

The study uses remote sensing data to develop a land use classification and applies statistical methods appropriate for Indian catchments to estimate the annual sediment load from the Upper Indravati catchment in Orissa for the year 2000. The study points to the fact that assessment of reservoir catchment regions at regular intervals would enhance the understanding of the geodynamic processes and help in identifying effective control measures.

Statistical analysis of water quality data of river Yamuna: A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study models the variations in water quality parameters of Yamuna river by means of stochastic approach using Central Water Commission’s monthly data for the period 1990-95. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 01:58 AM

The study models the variations in water quality parameters of Yamuna river by means of stochastic approach using Central Water Commission’s monthly data for the period 1990-95 and makes projections for the year 1996. The results obtained for different water quality variables have been compared with the observed values and were found to be satisfactory. 

Surface and groundwater quality studies in Ghataprabha representative basin - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study analyses the surface and groundwater quality of Ghataprabha representative basin in Karnataka during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 01:15 AM

The study analyses the surface and groundwater quality of Ghataprabha representative basin during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. It looks at the primary impact of land use and cropping pattern on water quality using physico-chemical analysis, geo-chemical classification of groundwater samples and monitoring of groundwater quality.

Streeter-Phelp’s model is applied to understand the variation of dissolved oxygen along the course of the river from a point source. The study attempts to understand the impact of irrigation return-flow and use of pesticides, fertilizers & manures on surface and groundwater quality. The literature review offered indicates a dearth of studies on the subject for hard rock catchments and puts forward the need to do basin-wide as against area-wide studies.

Hydrological aspects of rainwater harvesting in the Kandi belt of Jammu region - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study discusses the hydrological aspects of rainwater harvesting in the Kandi belt with the help of a case study on water availability in a pond in village Badhori, Jammu. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 12:54 AM

The study discusses the hydrological aspects of rainwater harvesting in the Kandi belt in the foothill zone of Siwalik in Jammu region with the help of a case study on water availability in a pond in village Badhori (Samba district, Jammu). It describes the climate, soils, geology, geomorphology and drainage of the Kandi belt. It is marked with small watersheds having low denuded hills and undulating cultivated lands that need to be developed on a watershed basis through engineering and non-engineering measures of rainwater harvesting and soil conservation.
