Comprehensive hydrological study of Malaprabha and Ghataprabha representative basins – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The hydrological study for the experimental representative basins, Ghataprabha and Malaprabha, of the Krishna river basin attempts to standardize and develop methodologies for providing solutions for understanding and solving various hydrological problems of the hard rock regions of India.

Representative basins are basins, which are selected as representative of a hydrological region within which hydrological similarity is presumed and can be used for intensive investigation of specific problems of the hydrological cycle. This can then take a wide-ranging role representing a broad area to which the data can be transferred. 

A holistic model is derived from the study, which helps in prediction of various hydrological parameters such as overland flow, channel runoff, evaporation, infiltration, groundwater storage, flooding, sheet-wash erosion, channel erosion and sedimentation. Rainfall-runoff modeling is done through application of models like - RAINFLO, catchment water balance, ARNO, Tank, TOPMODEL, WATBAL, WATSED and WEPP. The study also makes an effort to compile the studies on various hydrological problems carried out so far in these representative basins. 

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Post By: rajshekar