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September 13, 2022 Heavy rains and floods have battered Bengaluru yet again. Uncontrolled and unregulated development and concretisation of the city that pays no heed to the ecology and hydrology of the region needs to stop!
Urban flooding in Bangalore (Image Source: Thejas via Wikimedia Commons)
November 21, 2019 A report by NIUA brings to light the chinks in Jaipur's sewage system and suggests some solutions.
Routine check done by the sewage treatment plant staff in Delawas, Jaipur. The plant is part of the ADB best practices projects list. (Image: Asian Development Bank, Flickr Commons)
October 1, 2019 Deconstructing the traditional narrow engineering based policy discourses around floods and droughts and connecting them to social and cultural realities is the need of the hour in India.
Water talk Series at Mumbai (Image Source:Tata Insitute of Social Sciences)
September 30, 2019 The recently concluded 4 day conference in Bangalore looked at the current state of global water resource challenges & future pathways to achieve the SDGs, while ensuring equity in access to all.
Charles Vorosmarty, Chair, COMPASS Initiative, Water Future at the opening plenary on advanced water system assessments to address water security challenges of the 21st century.
September 16, 2019 Floating 'islands' give new lease of life to a lake in Indore
An attempt to make our lakes pollution free (Image: Clean Water)
September 9, 2019 India’s water crisis likely to worsen as demand projected to exceed supply by 2050, says report
With water outages, shortages and availability, one sees these pots in every home, village, by the rainbow-hued hundred in shops, and even in precarious bundles balanced on the bikes of travelling wallah pot-sale vendors in Chennai. (Image: McKay Savage, CC BY 2.0)
Krishna river saves Chennai
Krishna river saves Chennai, rain halts life in Bangalore and doctors rescue the Yamuna are the highlights of this week’s news. Posted on 10 Jun, 2013 02:30 PM

Kerala welcomes the monsoons!

The monsoons finally hit Kerala on June 1, bringing respite for the drought-ridden southern state. Things are looking up this year with an expected 98% of rainfall in the state.

Monsoon hits Kerala
Water management - Mounting challenges and responses - A report on the three day seminar jointly organised by KSCSTE and C Achutha Menon Foundation, Trivandrum from the 21st to the 23rd December 2012
A 3 day national seminar organised for creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists and lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, quality and conservation Posted on 14 Mar, 2013 10:12 PM

This three day national seminar was jointly organised by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Thiruvananthapuram, and the C Achutha Menon Foundation (AMF), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and included presentations and discussions on a range of water related themes such as water scarcity, water conservation, commercialisation of water, water conflicts and water management.

The seminar aimed at creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists, academicians, researchers, activists, as well as lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, water quality and water conservation in the state of Kerala. The seminar was inaugurated by Shri V M Sudheeran, Ex MP and former speaker, while Dr Rajasekaran Pillai, Executive Vice President KSCSTE, delivered the keynote address with the felicitation by Shri M P Achuthan, MP.

The seminar included discussions under five different themes related to water issues that included water scarcity, water conservation, commercialisation of water, water as an new area for conflicts and water management.

Seminar on water management

The three day seminar on water management at the Achuta Menon Foundation, Trivandrum, Kerala

Conference report: The Anil Agarwal Dialogue on "Excreta does matter", organised by Centre for Science and Environment on 4-5 March 2013 at New Delhi
Where will India get its fresh water from in the coming years ? What is the state of the sewage system in the country ? Posted on 12 Mar, 2013 03:23 PM

A close examination of these two issues shows that the water and sewage challenge is already grave and could get worse. With this as the backdrop, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a public interest research and advocacy organisation based in New Delhi, organised a two day conference called the Anil Agarwal Dialogue on “Excreta does matter”. The conference took place at the Jacaranda Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on 4 and 5 March 2013.

The dialogue aimed at furthering the agenda of CSE’s seventh State of India’s Environment report titled Excreta Matters. This report is a comprehensive survey of the situation of water and wastewater management in 71 Indian cities. The study found that most cities lack a basic policy direction on how best to tackle issues of demand, supply and treatment of water, and of management of sewage. 

The Dialogue being the first of its kind brought together a wide range of professionals, activists, practitioners, policy makers, academicians, researchers and administrators from the water sector. The event was aimed at drawing attention on the critical issues of how cities will get affordable and sustainable water and waste systems that can supply to all and take back and treat the sewage of all.

CSE Conference logo

Handbook for flood protection, anti-erosion and river training works by Central Water Commission (2012)
This Handbook provides necessary guidance to the field engineers to deal primarily with structural measures of flood management like flood protection works, anti erosion measures and river training works. Posted on 13 Feb, 2013 09:43 PM

This handbook by Central Water Commission aims to provide necessary guidance to the field engineers in the state and central for design, appraisal, construction and monitoring of the flood management works covering all the relevant BIS codes, design manuals, guidelines, technical specifications for construction materials and practices etc. to meet new challenges in the flood management in India.

CPHEEO invites Expression of Interest from reputed consultancy organizations for preparation of manual on storm water drainage systems - Apply by February 20, 2013
Posted on 29 Jan, 2013 12:09 PM

MoUD LogoThe Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, is in the process of preparation of Manual on Storm Water Drainage systems, so as to guide the public health engineers across the country in designing and operation and maintenance of Storm Water Drainage systems. To facilitate the process, Ministry intends to invite Expression of Interest (EoI) from resourceful agencies to provide support services to the Expert Committee in the preparation of manual.

Scope of work

The agency has to draft contents of Manual as advised by the Expert Committee and has also to edit, browse and download relevant contents of the various manuals across the globe in the field and incorporate useful material in the proposed manual after studying and analysing the same suiting to Indian conditions. Agency has also to conduct meetings, preparing agenda, editing and circulating the comments of the meetings, as well as comments received from Members, to all concerned and incorporating the comments in the manual, thus, leading to preparation of Manual complete in all respects.

Can storm water drains help in recharging groundwater? - The case of Chennai, Tamil Nadu
In this article, Seetha Gopalakrishnan introduces us to the Rain Centre and it activities in Chennai with respect to storm water construction in the city Posted on 10 Dec, 2012 06:08 PM

One of the most conspicuous activities in the preparation for the monsoons in several cities today is dug up roads ! Crores and crores are spent on the construction of storm water drains alongside roads in cities and towns to prevent flooding during the rains.

Self reliance in water: A book by Indukanth Ragade
Self reliance in water, a practical manual for city and town dwellers by Indukanth Ragade, describes the what, why and how of the paths towards self-reliance in water. Posted on 21 Sep, 2012 03:39 AM

"The black tsunami": An article by Green Systems, about the putrefying sewage discharged from our homes, offices and factories, that is accumulating under our oceans
This article draws attention to the huge amounts of sewage generated and discharged into the sea and rivers and warns that we urgently need to change the way we manage water Posted on 18 Aug, 2012 04:27 PM

With horror we saw on television, the Japanese experience of a huge 9.0 scale earthquake, followed by a terrible tsunami. The first images show large amounts of black water entering the country side and passing over the protective wall barriers.

Privatisation of urban water supply in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh - An update from Manthan Adyayan Kendra
Khandwa is a medium-sized town located in western Madhya Pradesh. The 'Khandwa water supply augmentation project' has been awarded to Vishwa Utilities Pvt. Ltd., a Hyderabad based company under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) on a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) basis for water supply augmentation to the town, for the next 25 years. The project has been under execution since October 2009. The private party would supply water to the town @ Rs 11.95 per KL. The raw water for this would be pumped from a reservoir 51 km, away from the town. This report by Gaurav Dwivedi and Rehmat, Manthan Adhyayan Kendra deals with the privatisation of urban water supply in the town. Posted on 09 May, 2012 09:53 AM

Startling conditionalities

Precious Kaveri water down the drain; wasted to wash vehicles: Letter to the Chairman, Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board
I tried sending a suggestion to Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) to tackle the urgent crisis in Karnataka this hot summer but didn't get any reply. Water crisis is a serious issue. When people do not have water to irrigate their lands, to drink for themselves, it pains me in the heart to see people wasting water profusely to wash their vehicles which goes down the drain. Manjunath M P presents the letter he sent to the Chairman, BWSSB. Posted on 23 Apr, 2012 12:47 PM

Dear Chairman BWSSB,