"The black tsunami": An article by Green Systems, about the putrefying sewage discharged from our homes, offices and factories, that is accumulating under our oceans

With horror we saw on television, the Japanese experience of a huge 9.0 scale earthquake, followed by a terrible tsunami. The first images show large amounts of black water entering the country side and passing over the protective wall barriers.

The water was black. Where did this black colour come from? None of the television reporters that covered the event commented about this aspect. You may ask: Why was the tsunami water of Japan black?

The earthquake and the tsunami is a natural phenomenon. BUT the black water is manmade! The black colour is putrefying sewage that accumulates on the ocean floors off the coast line of the continents where humans inhabit.

Japan Black Tsunami Zone

Japan Black Tsunami Zone

The black tsunami illuminates a painfully unnoticed reality that the great majority of the people on our planet ignore. Storm water, domestic faeces and industrial sewage have been discharged into our rivers, lakes and oceans for more than two thousand years. The Romans discharged contaminated water into rivers and oceans. The black mud spreads to cover the beds of oceans, lakes, rivers and manmade channels. These become  aquatic death zones created by man.

We need to change the way we manage water on our the planet now, or, in a short time, life will cease to exist on this planet.

It is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of the damage to our planet ecology, as one does not experience it directly. But today, one can look at Google maps and see the black areas off most of the coast lines of every continent.

This is one of the many major manmade catastrophes.

Japan Death Zone

Japan Death Zone

The city of Rio de Janeiro discharges black rivers of putrefied active sewage into the beautiful beach of Copacabana. The Brazilians call it, "The black tongue".

The Black Water Discharge in to Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro

The black water discharge into Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro

In Jakarta, Indonesia, you can see large channels discharging putrefying black waters into the oceans. Contaminated waters are corrupted waters; if you want to know the people of a city, look at their surrounding waterways.

The anaerobic infection within the ocean floor has been exposed in full within the earth body. This can be called a black plague. This is a concentration of negative energy. When this makes its way to the surface by accident, it is nearly impossible to deal with. At all costs, we must prevent this exposure.

Our planet has been infected by dark forces both in mind and body. The black waters are negative energy of man. The dark energies of greedy man are opposing the efforts of eco-remediation.

Governments and institutions are directly responsible for the mismanaging water discharge. The result is a visible reflection of people who induce the creation of such waters. If you can see, the black waters openly, the corruption becomes open; on the contrary if the black waters are buried deep underground under land or the ocean, the corruption is hidden from the people, but is still present.

In Sydney, Australia, the last government buried sewage 300 meters deep along a large tunnel that discharged the black waters at a great expense, at a deep ocean outfall into the Pacific Ocean. This needs to stop today.

Bob Carr, Premier NSW Sydney Australia, visiting the New Sydney Black Water Tunnel to be discharge to the ocean

Bob Carr, Premier NSW Sydney Australia, visiting the New Sydney Black Water Tunnel, where sewage is to be discharged into the ocean

New York is building the biggest tunnel ever imagined to discharge the black sewage of city into the already contaminate harbour so most cities in the world has imitating the Roman cloaca's.

New York is building the biggest tunnel ever imagined to discharge the black sewage of city into the already contaminated harbour. Most cities in the world have been imitating the Romans

Universities have been teaching town planners engineers, architects, graduate students, doctors and professors, the art of water and air contamination with little or no question about ecology and environmental studies until recently, after the formation of the US EPA on the 3rd of December 1970 and the Atlantis inventions on water management since the eighties.

Aristotle dedicated a part of his life to study ecology; this knowledge was ignored by Universities when they set curriculums for the city designers. We assume the drainage of Roman cities were part of nature; in reality they belonged to a dark historic period of time. The great majority of the cities around the planet have been built with this dark system that contaminates water, air, and the earth and leaves the fire out of balance, by removing of the storm water from the cities.

Impermeable cities' surfaces (roofs, walls and roads) used hydraulic dark sciences to manage water in the environment. The use of hydraulics in storm water and sewage management has been the most contaminant, destructive and detrimental technology ever used in this planet. This system is the response of black mud colour of the Japanese tsunami water.

The most incredible thing is that government, industries and your homes, are discharging thousands tons of effluents and contaminants into the ocean every day, and by law.

Sydney politicians spent hundreds of millions of dollars to discharge the effluent deep into the ocean. They changed the Law of Clean Water Act, so as to allow the government to contaminate legally. Their doctors and scientists endorse and recommend this technology as "SAFE" or “SUSTAINABLE” solutions. The average person is in no position to argue against such a partnership.

As Leonardo da Vinci says, “Nothing strengthens authority as much as silence”.

Putrefying waters and vermin in the streets of Asia

Putrefying waters and vermin in the streets and rivers of Asia

In the streets of Asia, like in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and China, are full of open filthy channels with putrefying waters and vermin. Similarly, United States built the famous concrete rivers of California.

Open putrid contaminant storm water sewage is used in Asia and others part of the world

Open putrid contaminant storm water sewage is used in Asia and others part of the world

Can we correct millions of kilometres of built streets, roads and highways with contaminating storm water systems?

Yes we can, but with your support.

The good news

The good news is we now have environmental alternatives in water management technologies! Humanity CAN DO remediation. Now your life is in your hands. You as a human being should take seriously the responsibility for the habitat in which you live.

The black tsunami has a long history, but also serves as a modern lesson. The enormous environmental degradation, that originated in Greece with the development of the impervious water pipe, which lead to an ever-increasing environmental impact, carried on by the corrupted Roman Empire and those who continued its legacy, lasts till today.

The Romans Empire developed a lot of evil habits; one of them was the water management. Their major concern was to exploit the people they dominated with the desire to make easy money, hold power and be famous; the three oldest evils of mankind. To do that, they controlled the water supply they provided to the people and the sewage they discharge away from their cities.

Roman way of thinking developed the current domestic, industrial and storm water sewage systems in Japan

Roman way of thinking developed the current domestic, industrial and storm water sewage systems

Well, what has this to do with the Japanese tsunami you may ask?

A lot!

The Roman way of thinking developed the current domestic, industrial and storm water sewage systems in Japan. They adopt as well discharge the effluent and contaminated runoff into the rivers and eventually the oceans. It is still practiced in all their cities. As cities evolved, their designers, town planners, architects and engineers continued connecting the pipes to the Cloaca's Maxima, a central pipeline /that collected and centralized the sewage, which then discharges into the waterways.

Practically every city today has adopted the Roman storm water and domestic sewage system

Practically every city today, has adopted the Roman storm water and domestic sewage system

The later inheritors of the Roman methodologies, with their respective empires during the dark ages, continued the legacy. The new Romans, in other words, the Spanish, Portuguese, English, Dutch and French, now even the United States of America, began to invade and colonize the rest of world; and they carried with them, the Roman water management systems.

Practically every city today has adopted the Roman storm water and domestic sewage system. This Roman legacy is killing the aquatic life and soon if it continues, it will kill us as well, unless we do the seemingly impossible, that is change the way we manage our water and wastewater today, through modern methodologies, which are already in existence.

Cear clean alternatives using point source solutions

Clean alternatives using point source solutions

By using point source solutions and water infiltration methods to eliminate transport of contaminated effluents and eliminating discharge, it is possible to transform effluents into pure water. We can live in paradise, if we make the choice.

Read the original article here.

Post By: Seetha