Quality, Standards and Testing

Water needed for human consumption, industrial purposes or other requirements must cater to certain minimum standards. The quality of any water is defined by its physical and chemical properties (characteristics). Physical properties include its appearance (colour, clarity and odour, perhaps also its taste) while the chemical properties refer to the constituents dissolved in it. Some of the physical properties are measurable and can be expressed in units of measurement while others like appearance, odour or taste are clearly subjective. However, all the chemical constituents can be measured accurately.

Drinking water must meet certain quality standards to safeguard the health of the people. The permissible and desirable limits of various parameters in drinking water have been detailed as per the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) standard specifications for potable water. These parameters are included in BIS-10500-1991. The various parameters covered include colour, odour, pH, total dissolved solids, hardness, alkalinity, elemental compounds such as iron, manganese, sulphate, nitrate, chloride, fluoride, arsenic, chromium, copper, cyanide, lead, mercury, zinc and coliform bacteria. The tolerance limits for inland surface waters for various classes of water use have been published by the Central Water Commission. Per ISI-IS: 2296-1982, the tolerance limits of parameters are specified as per classified use of water depending on various uses of water ranging from Class A to Class E.

What does the water that one drinks contain, what substances are dissolved in it and what are their safe limits? What are the issues that affect water quality? For more detailed information on all this, please read our FAQs on Rules, Regulations & Standards concerning water and Equipments used to measure water quality and quantity

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From unwieldy to understandable – transform the way you view data
People are afraid of data and numbers because it seems complicated. Visualising it will help you understand, form patterns and analyse better. Posted on 19 Jun, 2013 10:38 AM

IWP has over 200 sets of water data online. Of this, we have converted around 16 to an Excel format and will be adding more in the coming weeks for you to download. Use our Data Finder, a search tool for finding water data online, to search for this information. 

Piece the data puzzle together to tell a story
Delhi’s ground water hits rock bottom
Too many people, too much pollution and too little water – that's Delhi’s water supply situation in a nutshell. Posted on 20 May, 2013 12:40 PM

Green pastures and meadows, tall trees, lakes, wells and the river…those are my memories of Delhi. It wasn’t too long ago that one woke up early to the sounds of lawns being watered, children running off to school and people walking in the parks. A flurry of activity but quite different from what it is today.

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This article published in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems includes a collation of traditional household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries.

River water quality data by Central Pollution Control Board (2005)
Rivers are one of the prime suppliers of drinking water. They are also important for agriculture, fisheries and recreational activities. However some of these activities also pollute the rivers. Pollution can be either from point sources such as industrial or sewage effluent discharges, or can be diffused from roads or agricultural run-off. Therefore it is necessary that rivers are protected from pollution and are managed as a sustainable resource for all of the activities that depend on their water quality. Posted on 19 Mar, 2013 06:41 PM

Against this backdrop, this document by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) elaborates on the river water quality in India. The Central and State Pollution Control Boards / Pollution Control Committees in Union-Territories of India are responsible for restoration and maintenance of the wholesomeness of aquatic resources.

Water management - Mounting challenges and responses - A report on the three day seminar jointly organised by KSCSTE and C Achutha Menon Foundation, Trivandrum from the 21st to the 23rd December 2012
A 3 day national seminar organised for creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists and lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, quality and conservation Posted on 14 Mar, 2013 10:12 PM

This three day national seminar was jointly organised by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE), Thiruvananthapuram, and the C Achutha Menon Foundation (AMF), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and included presentations and discussions on a range of water related themes such as water scarcity, water conservation, commercialisation of water, water conflicts and water management.

The seminar aimed at creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists, academicians, researchers, activists, as well as lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, water quality and water conservation in the state of Kerala. The seminar was inaugurated by Shri V M Sudheeran, Ex MP and former speaker, while Dr Rajasekaran Pillai, Executive Vice President KSCSTE, delivered the keynote address with the felicitation by Shri M P Achuthan, MP.

The seminar included discussions under five different themes related to water issues that included water scarcity, water conservation, commercialisation of water, water as an new area for conflicts and water management.

Seminar on water management

The three day seminar on water management at the Achuta Menon Foundation, Trivandrum, Kerala

Manuals for preparation of detailed project report for rural piped water supply schemes by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
The MoDWS has prepared manuals, to implement the works related to piped water supply scheme in planned manner. Posted on 08 Mar, 2013 05:33 PM

The works have to done maintaining appropriate standards and quality of the schemes, and ensure their completion in time. The manuals are prepared keeping in mind the activities mentioned in the 12th five year plan.

Uniform drinking water quality monitoring protocol- A document by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (2013)
This document by MoDWS provides a set of protocols that aims to standardise the requirements for setting up and ensure proper functioning of water quality testing laboratories. Posted on 07 Mar, 2013 08:36 PM

These protocols are suggestive in nature and will be useful for laboratory personnel, water supply engineers and policy makers working in the drinking water sector operating at State, District and Sub-district levels.

Strategies for achieving environmental sustainability in rural development - A report by United Nations Development Programme
This report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) presents strategies for inclusive rural development embodying the principles of environmental sustainability. Posted on 23 Feb, 2013 10:22 AM

This report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) presents strategies for inclusive rural development embodying the principles of environmental sustainability. It recommends measures needed to achieve green, including measuring and tracking, the use incentives and the building of capacities. It also contains a number of case studies showing how green results can be achieved.

Anthropogenic activities leads to deterioration of groundwater quality: A study of Mayyanad and Edamulakkal panchayats of Kollam district in Kerala
Kerala is a rain blessed state in the country, but due to its slanting topography there is significant decline in the ground water levels leading to severe water scarcity. This paper sheds light on groundwater quality issues in two panchayats of Kerala Posted on 22 Feb, 2013 10:07 AM

Kerala is a rain blessed state in the country. It has highest  number of wells, when compared with other states. However due to its slanting topography there is significant decline in the ground water levels leading to severe water scarcity during summer months in most districts of the state. Further over extraction and dependence of groundwater for domestic use from the dug wells especially in rural pockets has resulted in several groundwater problems. In this backdrop the paper in  The Ecosan- An International Quarterly Journal of Environmental Science, sheds light on groundwater quality issues in two panchayats of Kerala.
