Sunny balconies and hanging gardens in Goa
Posted on 22 Nov, 2015 09:59 PMIt was a sultry Sunday afternoon in Goa, the time traditionally reserved for heavy lunches followed by long siestas but the small crowd gathered at Arjuntree One in Margao defied the stereotype.
Sustainable practices in slash-and-burn lands in Nagaland
Posted on 01 Nov, 2015 11:02 AMA thick smog and haze eclipse the sun all through the day when jhum areas are burnt. Jhum, known as shifting cultivation a practice practice inv
Adapting to floods and improving lifestyles could give us some clues to finding an alternative to embankments
Posted on 29 Oct, 2015 01:46 PMDr Molden, you have visited Dihiri in Dhemaji district and Borsala in Lakhimpur districts. Both these villages are the worst flood affected villages of the region. You also interacted with the communities in these two villages. What was the purpose of this visit? Please share your experiences.
Training on Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Interventions
Posted on 01 Oct, 2015 12:46 PMCourse Objectives:
At the completion of the training programme, the participants would be able to
To pee or not to pee: A question women may not need to ask any more
Posted on 29 Aug, 2015 01:23 PMScenario 1: You go to a cinema and it's cold.
Roundtable Conference on 'Innovations in Catalysing Interventions and Data Driven Decision Making for WASH programs'
Posted on 14 Aug, 2015 12:49 PMAbout the conference
Flawed embankment strategy converts Bihar into a watery grave
Posted on 27 Jul, 2015 02:31 PMDr. Dinesh Kumar Mishra of Barh Mukti Abhiyaan, an authority on the river network of North Bihar speaks to India Water Portal about the flood problems, the skewed flood control policy of the Government, the Kosi breach of 2008 and the gargantuan interlinking of rivers project.
WHO & UNICEF Report ranks India worst in eradicating open defecation
Posted on 07 Jul, 2015 11:15 PMIndia's poor sanitation facilities have a direct correlation with stunting in children
Why use a refrigerator to store water when you can use a clay pot?
Posted on 04 Jul, 2015 10:06 PMWhat's not to like about clay pots? "They cool water naturally due to the tiny air pores present in them, are affordable, save energy and are eco-friendly when compared to refrigerators", says Gautam Bandhopadhaya, a water expert in Chhattisgarh.