Lakes, Ponds and Wetlands

Featured Articles
December 4, 2022 What is the status of inland fisheries in India? Read these situational analysis reports to know about inland fisheries, the life of the fisherfolk, governance and tenure in inland fisheries and threats to the sustainability of inland fisheries.
Fishing in an irrigation canal in Kerala (Image Source: Martin Pilkinton via Wikimedia Commons)
November 25, 2022 These maps at the watershed scales have been made to not only ensure inclusion of different freshwater ecosystems, their connectivity and hydrological processes, but can also provide a spatial context for conservation decisions.
A stream at Anini, Arunachal Pradesh (Image Source: Roshni Arora)
November 16, 2022 Adoption of hybrid solutions - grey and green structures appropriate for resilience building
Healthy wetland ecosystems help in reducing disaster risks and managing climate risks (Image: Pxhere)
October 30, 2022 This book by Dr. Mitul Baruah presents a fascinating, ethnographic account of the challenges faced by communities living in Majuli, India, one of the largest river islands in the world, which has experienced immense socio-environmental transformations over the years, processes that are emblematic of the Brahmaputra Valley as a whole. This is an excerpt from the book.
Floods are recurrent phenomena in Assam (Image: Mitul Baruah)
October 6, 2022 Rapid urbanisation and faulty land use policies are rapidly destroying forests, grasslands and wetlands in Jammu and Kashmir, India and the ecosystem value services they provide. Can these valuable ecosystems be saved?
Deteriorating ecosystems of Jammu and Kashmir, India (Image Source: tkohli at Flickr via Wikimedia Commons)
August 27, 2022 Study looks at microplastic types in lakes of Ladakh
(Vinay Goel, Wikimedia Commons)
Video interview with water expert Avinash Krishnamurthy - Beyond the tap - Managing our water resources
This video episode presents the views on what urban dwellers must do to manage the water in a sustainable and ecologically kinder manner Posted on 11 Sep, 2012 08:11 PM


Churning still water – Briefing paper by the Centre for Science and Environment on the state of urban water bodies, conservation and management in India
This briefing paper on the state of urban water bodies, conservation and management in India, has tried to bring out the threats to the urban water bodies in India Posted on 10 Sep, 2012 10:58 PM

Urban water bodies are encroached, full of sewage, garbage or just filled up and built over these days.

Report on Indian Mountain Initiative Sustainable Mountain Development Summit 2 held at Gangtok, Sikkim between May 25-26, 2012
The second Sustainable Mountain Development Summit of the Indian Mountain Initiative (IMI) was held on May 25 at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok Posted on 09 Sep, 2012 03:57 PM

Around 250 delegates from eleven hill states of India along with representatives from Darjeeling hills participated in the two days summit. It was organized by Ecotourism and Conservation Society of Sikkim (ECOSS) jointly with Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA).

Resource availability for water supply to Bangalore City, Karnataka - An article published in the journal Current Science
This article highlights the acute water scarcity that Bangalore has been facing over the years and examines the availability of resources in terms of climatic conditions, rainfall and water resources Posted on 25 Aug, 2012 03:05 PM

BangaloreThis article published in the journal Current Science highlights the acute water scarcity that the city of Bangalore has been facing ove

Interstate water dispute and federalism - Governance of interstate river water in India - A paper published in the journal Civil and Environmental Research
This paper examines the methods and policies used before independence to tackle the problem of interstate river water disputes Posted on 23 Aug, 2012 11:25 AM

This paper published in the journal Civil and Environmental Research examines the methods and policies used before independence to tackle the problem of interstate river water dispute.

"Study finds Ganga-Bhagirathi delta slowly disappearing into the sea" - Roundup of the week's news (13-19 August 2012)
The roundup this week includes reports on disappearing of the Ganga Bhagirathi delta, law against overdrawing of power, closure of power plant in Odisha, shrinking of a lake in Kerala Posted on 21 Aug, 2012 05:44 PM

Study finds Ganga-Bhagirathi delta slowly disappearing into the sea

A study by noted geographer Prof Kalyan Rudra and funded jointly by the state and central governments has found that the world’s largest delta-the Ganga-Bhagirathi delta- is slowly disappearing into the sea.

"The black tsunami": An article by Green Systems, about the putrefying sewage discharged from our homes, offices and factories, that is accumulating under our oceans
This article draws attention to the huge amounts of sewage generated and discharged into the sea and rivers and warns that we urgently need to change the way we manage water Posted on 18 Aug, 2012 04:27 PM

With horror we saw on television, the Japanese experience of a huge 9.0 scale earthquake, followed by a terrible tsunami. The first images show large amounts of black water entering the country side and passing over the protective wall barriers.

"Water governance in Assam: Priorities for knowledge-based interventions" - Report of a consultation organised by Aaranyak, at Guwahati, Assam in June 2012
The state of Assam faces some unique challenges. Some of these include a high preponderance of natural disasters, difficult terrain, and water induced hazards Posted on 17 Aug, 2012 03:35 PM

Assam, the biggest of the seven North-eastern states of India, is a melting pot of various communities from various regions. The state with abundant natural resources and rich historic heritage, however, is faced with unique challenges.

A story of resurgence - A video featuring the revival of Doling lake, Sikkim
This video by Usha Dewani features an initiative by the Government of Sikkim on reviving the Doling lake in Rabongla, South Sikkim. Posted on 17 Aug, 2012 03:26 PM

In an unique attempt by the Government of Sikkim, the lake that was once seasonal, now has water throughout the year.

"Aajao Pukur Aamader" by Nirupama Adhikari - Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra’s book “Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talaab”
This book titled “Aajao Pukur Aamader” is the Bengali translation of Anupam Mishra’s book in Hindi “Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talaab” which has been a runaway success for several years. Posted on 21 Jul, 2012 09:49 PM

cover pageAnupam Mishra is an environmental activist and currently works with the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi. The inspiring contribution dealing with the indigenous water systems of central India has been translated by Nirupama Adhikari into Bengali.
