
Featured Articles
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
December 6, 2019 A report by the India Rivers Forum highlights the need to focus further than the main stem of the Ganga river.
Distant snow clad mountains, the smaller hills and the Ganga river (Image: Srimoyee Banerjee, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
December 2, 2019 Water stewardship is an approach predicated on the concept that water is a shared resource and so water risks are also shared risks that everyone in a catchment will face
Picture credit: Romit Sen
December 2, 2019 A study highlights the barriers to harnessing India's potential for wind energy.
Windmills in Karnataka, India. Picture credit: India Water Portal
November 14, 2019 A study finds that India may run out of water to cool power plants in the near future.
Tuticorin power plant in Tamil Nadu (Image: Ram Kumar, Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 2.0)
Department for International Development India is looking for Economic Adviser at Delhi – Apply by July 15, 2011
Posted on 30 Jun, 2011 12:12 PM

Department for International DevelopmentDFID India manages UK’s development programme worth £280 million per year, delivered in partnership with government, international organisations, private sector and civil society. Programmes with governments of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, and the central government work on health, nutrition, education, governance, rural livelihoods, and urban sectors.

DFID India is also developing a programme that aims to enhance collaboration with India on key global and policy issues such as climate change, trade and food security and on poverty reduction in low income countries.

Mining havoc: Impact of mining on water resources in Goa - Article from Dams, Rivers and People
Goa's valiant fighter against illegal mines, Ramesh Gauns shares the horrifying impacts of mines on rivers, groundwater and streams in Goa. Posted on 25 Jun, 2011 02:02 PM


Pumping of water from Cavrem Sheikh Salim mine, severely lowering groundwater table in the village. Image courtesy: Sebastian Rodriguez, Mand GoaPumping of water from Cavrem Sheikh Salim mine, severely lowering groundwater table in the village
Image courtesy: Sebastian Rodriguez, Mand Goa

Five years of special economic zones in India' - lecture by Dr. Partho Sarothi Ray, National Institute of Advanced Studies, June 27, 2011, Bangalore
Posted on 23 Jun, 2011 05:11 PM

National Institute of Advanced StudiesOrganizer: National Institute of Advanced Studies

Venue: Lecture Hall, NIAS, IISc Campus, Bangalore


Five years have passed since the first United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government passed the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Act in 2005. Altogether there are around 1200 SEZs in different phases of development today. Analyzing the development and distribution of SEZs in different parts of India in the last five years gives us some ideas about the political geography of special economic zones in India.

This talk will draw on this analysis and the personal experience of the speaker in struggles against various SEZs in India including the proposed POSCO SEZ in Orissa which has received a very strong farmers’ resistance.

Threat of toxic residue leaks in Orissa, India in 2011 - Urgent action requested by Amnesty International
Help protect 4000 families from Vedanta's pollution. Posted on 23 Jun, 2011 11:32 AM

Over 4,000 families in India face serious risk from threats of leaks from Vedanta's red mud pond as the rainy season begins in June. Levels within the pond have already risen, amidst reports of two leaks in the last two months, threatening the communities' safety, health and livelihoods.

On 5 April and 16 May 2011, following heavy rain, local communities in Orissa state reported leakages from the 28-hectare red mud pond, owned and operated by Vedanta Aluminium, through its walls, polluting local streams and creating anxiety among the communities at the downstream villages of Lanjigarh, Bundel and Basantpada.

"Battles over land" - Land as commodity and land for livelihoods - Special issue from Infochange
All over India, the battle lines are drawn between land as commodity and land for livelihoods. How much agricultural land is actually transitioning to non-agricultural use? Posted on 18 Jun, 2011 12:48 AM

What are the laws governing acquisition? What is the social impact of a development-at-all-costs policy? Can those who owned and lived off the land have a stake in its development?

Profile of Environment Policy and Research India (EPRI)
Environment Policy & Research India (EPRI) provides services in all the specialized sector of environment and energy. Posted on 13 Jun, 2011 04:05 PM


 Its mandate is to act as a think tank and provide strategic solutions to the clients in private sector, government and others through its team with relevant experience and diversified knowledge. EPRI also provides solutions oriented towards better environment and energy planning for industries, building units and complexes. However, its major focus is on pure scientific and engineering training, research, environment system modeling, national-international knowledge management.

Tearing through the water landscape - Evaluating the environmental and social consequences of POSCO project in Odisha - A report by ESG
This report enquires into the circumstances and the basis for the approval of the mega POSCO project in Odisha. Posted on 08 Jun, 2011 03:34 PM

Based on evidence from this inquiry, the study presents a critical analysis of the environmental and social impact information of POSCO's steel-power-port components to expose the fact that regulatory agencies have inadequate information on the short term and long term impacts of the project on the basis of the information that the company supplied to them.  It also provides historical evidence

ADB funded hydro projects in Himachal Pradesh: Disastrous experience - Press release by Him Dhara, SANDRP and HLJM
The Asian Development Bank is financing four hydro projects under the misleading name of 'Himachal Clean Energy Development Programme'. Posted on 06 Jun, 2011 06:07 PM

South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and PeopleReport questions ADB funded projects under the 'Himachal Clean Energy Development Programme'.

  • ADB loans for four hydroprojects at eco-fragile zones
  • Livelihood concerns and environmental issues un-addressed
  • Section 17/4 – Urgency clause being used by HPPCL for forced acquisition of land
  • Poor EIA reports and non compliance to environmental norms

Recently, a Public Hearing for the World Bank funded Luhri Hydro Electric had to be cancelled after public protests making it clear that the environmental and social impacts of Hydropower projects as well as the increasing gap between their promise and performance, especially in the Himalayan region have become issues of serious concern. And yet these projects continue to be promoted in the garb of renewable and clean energy. So much so that governments are borrowing millions of rupees from international banks and financial institutions to fund these so called 'green' projects.The four ADB financed hydro power projects being constructed by HPPCL include the 195 MW Integrated Kashang Stage I, II and III and the 402 MW Shongtong-Karccham in Kinnaur. The other two projects are the 111 MW Sawara-Kuddu hydropower projects in Shimla district and the 100 MW Sainj hydropower project in Kullu District.

Analysis of TAC guidelines and decisions in recent meetings' - Dams, Rivers and People - Newsletter of SANDRP for April, May 2011
This newsletter focuses on analysis of the TAC guidelines and the impact of mining on rivers in Goa and Meghalaya. Posted on 27 May, 2011 01:26 PM


South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and PeopleNewsletter of South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) for April - May 2011 (Volume 9 Issue 3-4), focuses on the following topics.

  • Analysis of TAC guidelines and decisions in recent meetings
    The Advisory Committee in the Union Ministry of Water Resources for consideration of techno-economic viability of Irrigation, Flood Control and Multi Purpose Project Proposals (TAC in short) is supposed to discuss the techno-economic viability of the irrigation, flood control and multi-purpose project proposals as per the Resolution published in the Union of India Gazette Notification No. 12/5/86-P-II dated Nov 27, 1987.
Profile of MEP Engineering - A specialized low cost piping design and drafting services in India
MEP engineering India is a comprehensive outsourcing MEP engineering design and drafting services Provider Company Posted on 27 Apr, 2011 01:55 PM

 We have professional team of engineers, designers and drafters involved in product design also having vast experience in all areas of mechanical design and drafting projects. The design of a piping system can have a significant impact on the successful operation of your mechanical project. Items such as sump design, suction piping design, suction and discharge pipe size, etc needs to be carefully considered before they are implemented and for that you need extremely perfect and accurate piping design and drawings.