Analysis of TAC guidelines and decisions in recent meetings' - Dams, Rivers and People - Newsletter of SANDRP for April, May 2011


South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and PeopleNewsletter of South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) for April - May 2011 (Volume 9 Issue 3-4), focuses on the following topics.

  • Analysis of TAC guidelines and decisions in recent meetings
    The Advisory Committee in the Union Ministry of Water Resources for consideration of techno-economic viability of Irrigation, Flood Control and Multi Purpose Project Proposals (TAC in short) is supposed to discuss the techno-economic viability of the irrigation, flood control and multi-purpose project proposals as per the Resolution published in the Union of India Gazette Notification No. 12/5/86-P-II dated Nov 27, 1987.

  • Dying Rivers of Goa: Impact of mining on water resources
    Mining has caused severe problems to the ecology and hydrology of the tiny state and most of these have been
    intentionally downplayed by every office, be it state or the academicians and others.

  • Blue Rivers of Meghalaya
    The Jaintia Hills district is one of the major coal mining areas of Meghalaya, and has several cement plants
    functioning in the district. Excessive and unregulated mining has left extensive scars on the land and caused
    extreme environmental damages.

  • Small Projects, Big impacts: Micro & mini hydel projects in Himachal Pradesh
    It is generally believed that mini and micro hydel, run of the river projects are green and have very little or no impact on the local ecology, river flows and water availability. We are now realising how unfounded this belief is.

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