
Featured Articles
February 12, 2021 The havoc points to the faultlines in the developmental planning of ecologically sensitive areas.
The glacial burst in Chamoli is nature’s way of telling the state not to play havoc with the local ecology. (Image: Down to Earth)
December 26, 2019 Policy matters this week
The Mandovi river disputed between Karnataka and Goa (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
December 6, 2019 A report by the India Rivers Forum highlights the need to focus further than the main stem of the Ganga river.
Distant snow clad mountains, the smaller hills and the Ganga river (Image: Srimoyee Banerjee, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
November 27, 2019 Policy matters this week
An irrigation well at Randullabad, Maharashtra (Source: India Water Portal on Flickr)
Sanitation and trees' are rural employment guarantee scheme's top priorities
Policy matters this week Posted on 30 Jul, 2014 10:40 AM

Centre allocates 50% MGNREGA funds to sanitation and green cover

Proper sanitation in India: A poster
India loses 2 million tonnes of food grains annually due to waterlogging
News this week Posted on 30 Jul, 2014 10:15 AM

2 million tonnes of food grains lost annually in India

Waterlogging in Punjab
Ripples of Sukhomajri
Sukhomajri village, the model of watershed development, is today a witness to man's changing priorities which is separating him from his environment. The video tells the full story. Posted on 25 Jul, 2014 11:46 AM
Sukhomajri village has long been a reminder of people's participation in ecological preservation and in turn, greater economic good.
The main irrigation tank at Sukhomajri
Indian monsoon under recovery mode
News this week Posted on 22 Jul, 2014 02:01 PM

Monsoon covers entire nation, raises hopes of recovery

Heavy rainfall in Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Holi-Bajoli hydropower project shifts banks
A group of women in Himachal protest the shifting of a hydel project from the right bank to the left of the Ravi river. While it may seem like a simple 'side' issue, the truth is far more complex. Posted on 21 Jul, 2014 04:59 AM

I could just about see a small makeshift shelter with a yellow canopy. As I made my way through the small stream and climbed uphill, I saw a JCB machine trying to clear a path. Further up the road, female voices speaking the local dialect started to emerge. A small hearth surrounded by utensils and jars of tea, sugar and lentils greeted me at the entrance.

Himachal women protest Holi-Bajoli hydel plant
Mark no-go zones for hydel projects in Sultej basin: CEIA
Policy matters this week Posted on 08 Jul, 2014 12:23 PM

Impact study demands for a no-go zone for hydel projects in Sutlej

Sutlej river in Kinnaur (Sanyam Bahga)
June 2014: The driest June in 113 years!
News this week Posted on 08 Jul, 2014 09:40 AM

India receives only 85.8 mm of rain this June

June 2014: driest since 1901
Dam' safety and management!
A recent accident that killed 24 students in Himachal Pradesh has pointed fingers yet again to the much neglected area of dam safety. More than assigning blame, it's time we assigned responsibility. Posted on 24 Jun, 2014 09:10 PM

Twenty four students were washed away in the Beas river in Himachal Pradesh earlier this month. The students, all from an engineering college in Hyderabad, were picknicking in the river on their way back from the tourist town of Manali. While cooling their heels in the knee deep water and clicking photographs, they missed the rising wall of water that engulfed them in minutes.

Dam induced terror (Source: Matu Jan Sangathan)
Global surface temperature breaks earlier records
News this week Posted on 24 Jun, 2014 05:30 PM

Global surface temperature breaks past records

Severe heat hits all (Source: Deccan Chronicle)
Centre approves raising Sardar Sarovar dam height
Policy matters this week Posted on 17 Jun, 2014 11:20 PM

Sardar Sarovar dam height to be raised by 17m

Sardar Sarovar Dam (Shahakshay in Wikipedia)