
Featured Articles
November 6, 2022 In 2020, 559 million children were affected by four to five heatwaves a year; numbers could increase four-fold by 2050, as per a report by UNICEF
Heat-related mortality is four times higher among children under 1 year of age than in persons aged 1–44 years (Image: Taqver, Wikimedia Commons)
September 26, 2022 This study found that the sanitary quality of neighbourhood drains, in addition to toilets, affected sanitation and hygiene and incidences of ill-health in rural households.
Dirty drainages, harbingers of illhealth. Image for representation only (Image Source: SuSanA Secretariat via Wikimedia Commons)
September 9, 2022 Highlights from a new report released by iFOREST
An old coal-fired power plant has been dumping vast quantities of ash out in the open for many years. (Image: Lundrim Aliu/ World Bank; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
August 19, 2022 Better access to clean water coupled with health education to bring about changes in behaviour are critical to prevent exposure to dangerous cholera bacteria that lurk in untreated waters.
The hidden threat of cholera in India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
July 20, 2022 This study found a high concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treatment plants in Delhi that were associated with increased risk of cancer.
What's in your tap water (Image Source: India Water Portal)
July 5, 2022 Studies reveal that children are the most vulnerable to the health risks associated with groundwater contamination due to nitrate and fluoride, highlighting the need for urgent remedial measures.
POisoned waters, dangerous outcomes (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Evaluation of operation and maintenance of sewage treatment plants in India - Control of urban pollution series - CPCB (2007)
This study commissioned by the CPCB evaluates the operation and maintenance of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) established under the centrally funded National River Action Plan. Posted on 26 Oct, 2011 03:39 PM

This study was commissioned recognizing the fact that discharge of untreated sewage occurs not only because of inadequate installed capacity of sewage plants, but also due to the inadequate maintenance of existing plants.

India’s sanitation for all: How to make it happen – A discussion paper by Asian Development Bank
Sanitation programs must use a menu of different approaches, such as financing at the household level and a range of affordable sanitation options for potential consumers, the report says. Posted on 26 Oct, 2011 10:40 AM

SanitationThis discussion paper by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) examines the current state of sanitation services in India and offers recommendations that can help key stakeholders work toward universal sanitation coverage in India.

Providing environmentally-safe sanitation to millions of people is a significant challenge, especially in the world’s second most populated country. The task is doubly difficult in a country where the introduction of new technologies can challenge people’s traditions and beliefs.

This discussion paper examines the current state of sanitation services in India in relation to two goals—Goal 7 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which calls on countries to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without improved sanitation facilities (from 1990 levels); and India’s more ambitious goal of providing “Sanitation for All” by 2012, established under its Total Sanitation Campaign.

Live feed: WSSCC Global Forum on Sanitation & Hygiene - 9-14 October 2011, Mumbai
Live updates and lively discussions on sanitation and hygiene. Posted on 13 Oct, 2011 10:22 AM

WSCC Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene

We all know the statistics: 2.6 billion people around the world are without access to a basic toilet. Diarrhoea – the vast majority of it due to poor sanitation and hygiene – is the second biggest killer of children worldwide.

Between us, we also have many of the answers. We have experiences of low-cost technologies that are acceptable and affordable for poor communities in rural areas. We have been involved in designing communications programmes that have contributed to sustained behaviour change.

We have seen governments and civil society working together to set up policies and programmes that ensure access to better sanitation in challenging settings, such as crowded informal settlements in fast-growing megacities. We have also seen businesses grow up around sanitation and hygiene, allowing individuals to make a dignified living and clients to buy the sorts of products and services they want and need.

Social exclusion and policy recommendations for the 12th Plan - WASH News and policy update
Bi-monthly e-Newsletter of the India WASH Forum, Issue 20, September 2011 Posted on 11 Oct, 2011 09:52 PM

Content courtesy: India WASH Forum

India WASH Forum

Women and water - A collection of papers - Economic and Political Weekly - Volume XLVI - Number 18 - April 30 (2011)
These five papers on Women and Water published in the Economic and Political Weekly, examine the relationship of women to water. Posted on 07 Oct, 2011 07:31 PM

It does this in the context of the new decentralised  governance structures that are based on the assumption that domestic water supply is the legitimate domain of women and thus power and authority needs to be granted to women to manage water resources.

However, there is a very little understanding of how this has benefited women and what are the challenges experienced during the process of implementation or the outcomes gained from these processes, in the context of the Indian society that continues to propogate patriarchal values and is based on structures that are inherently hierarchical and inequitable.

Some of the papers dwell on and explore the inherent biases in the literature and make an attempt to understand their implications for women in managing water resources, while some of the papers share case studies on the outcomes of the implementation of the decentralised water management policies at the village level.

Jalanidhi-2 programme of the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency
A report on environmental assessment and environmental management framework - Posted on 06 Oct, 2011 03:20 PM

This report deals with environmental assessment and environmental management framework for the World Bank supported Jalanidhi-2 programme of the Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (KRWSA), an important player in rural water supply and sanitation sector of the state.

Polluted river stretches in India: Criteria and status - A report by Central Pollution Control Board
The water quality data for the years 2002-2008 has been analysed here. Posted on 04 Oct, 2011 10:53 PM

This brief report by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) presents an analysis of the monitoring of the water quality in India under the National Water Quality Monitoring Programme. The water quality data for the years 2002-2008 has been analysed and monitoring locations exceeding the water quality criteria have been identified as polluted locations with respect to risk.

Water and wastewater analysis – A guide manual by Central Pollution Control Board
It is expected that the development and proper use of such a manual by concerned laboratories will bring homogeneity for ensuring quality assurance especially in water and wastewater analysis. Posted on 03 Oct, 2011 10:14 PM

WastewaterThis guide manual on water and wastewater analysis prepared by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), caters to the need of evolving a simplified code of practice for the lab

Health on Stage open day, September 30 2011 in Bangalore
Priya Desai writes about the event "Health on Stage Open Day". Posted on 03 Oct, 2011 05:16 PM
Institutionalization of users' level - Water quality monitoring and surveillance in Gujarat - A report by WASMO
This report by the WASMO presents the impact of the Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance (WQM&S) Programme implemented in Gujarat. Posted on 26 Sep, 2011 11:39 AM

WASMOThe programme focused on community involvement in assessing and evaluating water quality.
