
Featured Articles
October 17, 2022 While informal groundwater markets cater significantly to the needs of smallholder farmers in India, they continue to be unacknowledged and understudied.
Groundwater, a finite resource (Image Source: TV Manoj via Wikimedia Commons)
July 5, 2022 Studies reveal that children are the most vulnerable to the health risks associated with groundwater contamination due to nitrate and fluoride, highlighting the need for urgent remedial measures.
POisoned waters, dangerous outcomes (Image Source: India Water Portal)
April 26, 2022 The water stewardship initiative by WOTR that developed a tool to visualise aquifers has not only helped farmers understand groundwater as a shared resource, but also led to a behavioural change among water users and helped implement groundwater laws and policies.
Groundwater, a fast disappearing resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
February 13, 2022 A study provides new evidence that drinking water contaminated with arsenic can lead to still births, recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility among women.
A well in Rajasthan (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
August 29, 2021 A study shows that high arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bihar is linked with increase in cancer cases. Districts located near the Himalayan river basins have more people with cancer.
Drinking water in Bihar, linked to cancer (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
August 26, 2021 This study from Rajasthan found that anthropogenic factors led to nitrate contamination of groundwater. High nitrate levels in drinking water posed major health risks to children.
A well in Rajasthan (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Handbook for flood protection, anti-erosion and river training works by Central Water Commission (2012)
This Handbook provides necessary guidance to the field engineers to deal primarily with structural measures of flood management like flood protection works, anti erosion measures and river training works. Posted on 13 Feb, 2013 09:43 PM

This handbook by Central Water Commission aims to provide necessary guidance to the field engineers in the state and central for design, appraisal, construction and monitoring of the flood management works covering all the relevant BIS codes, design manuals, guidelines, technical specifications for construction materials and practices etc. to meet new challenges in the flood management in India.

Case studies on amelioration of water scarcity in rural Gujarat by Sir Ratan Tata Trust and the Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust
This document is a collection of case studies on ways to ameliorate water scarcity in rural Gujarat by Sir Ratan Tata Trust and the Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust. It provides first-hand accounts of how water programmes impact lives of hundreds and thousands of villagers. The solutions to deal with water scarcity include the promotion of rainwater harvesting (RWH), groundwater replenishment and drip irrigation. Posted on 11 Feb, 2013 05:03 PM

This document is by journalist Suhit Kelkar on behalf of Sir Ratan Tata Trust and the Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust. It is a collection of case studies on ways to ameliorate water scarcity in rural Gujarat.

Department of Land Resources needs experts to run a project implementation unit, for its watershed management project ‘Neeranchal’, on a contractual basis - Apply by February 17, 2013
Posted on 09 Feb, 2013 03:34 PM

DoLR BannerOffered by

Department of Land Resources, Government of India


New Delhi - The contract of these positions will be for 9 months.


The Department of Land Resources (DoLR) with a view to enhance effectiveness of the Integrated Watershed Management Program (IWMP), is preparing a Watershed Management Project ‘Neeranchal’ with the assistance of the World Bank. The objectives inter alia include supporting the introduction of more holistic watershed planning for better program convergence with other related programmes at village level; strengthening quality oversight arrangements to improve sustainability of investments; building required human  resource and institutional capacities at DoLR, State watershed agencies and other stakeholders.

Meet the Data Project's star volunteers - Gautam Dihora and Sharada Ramadass, and learn how you can help make valuable groundwater data more accessible to the wider public
At the Data Project, our volunteers have helped us extract data out of difficult formats and are also working to demystify data through their observations and analytical skills. Posted on 22 Jan, 2013 10:18 PM


"Launch research initiative to mainstream groundwater into urban water supply" - Arghyam’s inputs to the 2013-14 pre-budget consultation of the Finance Minister with social sector groups
This document spells out the details of two initiatives proposed by Arghyam, on the management of groundwater resources. Posted on 21 Jan, 2013 05:54 PM

These were the inputs given by Rohini Nilekani, Chairperson, Arghyam, to the Finance Minister at the pre-budget consultation event that took place on 4th January, 2013.

Green Sanitation Foundation, an NGO in Kolkata develops biotoilets, a unique toilet technology
Green Sanitation Foundation is an NGO in Kolkata that strives to improve hygiene and sanitation in India through the use of BioToilets. Posted on 21 Jan, 2013 12:01 PM

Biotoilets are biological toilets, named so because they convert human waste into non toxic, non contaminating water compatible with environmental standards, through application of multi strain bacteria culture, using aerobic forms of bacteria.

Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and National Remote Sensing Centre release groundwater prospects maps for 14 states of India
Groundwater is our main source of water for domestic, agriculture and industrial use today and through base flows, it also maintains the flow in many of our rivers Posted on 17 Jan, 2013 05:29 PM

It is therefore crucial that we look after this resource and ensure that it is managed properly.Over reliance on groundwater for both domestic and commercial purposes has led to over-exploitation and contamination of groundwater. In order to make groundwater sustainable, there is a need to understand the aquifer characteristics as well as its overall geological setting.

Maps on groundwater quality-Tamil Nadu- A collection by Environmental Information System Centre, Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu
This collection of district level maps by Environmental Information System Centre, Department of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu shows the details of fluoride, chloride, iron, nitrate and salinity present in groundwater in Tamil Nadu. Posted on 16 Jan, 2013 06:33 PM

The Environmental Information System Centre, Department of Environment has prepared groundwater quality maps of Tamil Nadu. Water is considered to be hard when it contains high level of dissolved minerals. This may be of natural occurrence or due to human activities such as industrialisation leading to water pollution.

"Integrate understanding of hydro-geology into planning of watershed management programmes" - A report on the training workshop on groundwater management in the Himalayas, organized by People’s Science Institute, in December 2012 at Dehradun
Ever wondered why there is so much fuss about groundwater getting scarce by the day and its quality deteriorating like never before ? And does the liquid and solid waste that my home releases into the environment everyday influence groundwater ? These questions and many more were answered in a recent training workshop organized by People’s Science Institute, Dehradun from 12th to 22nd December 2012. The training was conducted with the aim of promoting the integration of hydrogeology into mainstream watershed management with a focus on issues of equity, quality and sustainability. This was the third in this series of workshops organized by PSI after December 2011 and June 2012, with the focus on groundwater management in the Himalayan states of India. Posted on 15 Jan, 2013 12:38 AM

Why a training on managing groundwater ?
