
Featured Articles
October 17, 2022 While informal groundwater markets cater significantly to the needs of smallholder farmers in India, they continue to be unacknowledged and understudied.
Groundwater, a finite resource (Image Source: TV Manoj via Wikimedia Commons)
July 5, 2022 Studies reveal that children are the most vulnerable to the health risks associated with groundwater contamination due to nitrate and fluoride, highlighting the need for urgent remedial measures.
POisoned waters, dangerous outcomes (Image Source: India Water Portal)
April 26, 2022 The water stewardship initiative by WOTR that developed a tool to visualise aquifers has not only helped farmers understand groundwater as a shared resource, but also led to a behavioural change among water users and helped implement groundwater laws and policies.
Groundwater, a fast disappearing resource (Image Source: India Water Portal)
February 13, 2022 A study provides new evidence that drinking water contaminated with arsenic can lead to still births, recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility among women.
A well in Rajasthan (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
August 29, 2021 A study shows that high arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bihar is linked with increase in cancer cases. Districts located near the Himalayan river basins have more people with cancer.
Drinking water in Bihar, linked to cancer (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
August 26, 2021 This study from Rajasthan found that anthropogenic factors led to nitrate contamination of groundwater. High nitrate levels in drinking water posed major health risks to children.
A well in Rajasthan (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Maharashtra groundwater (regulation for drinking water purposes) act, 1993
The act aims to regulate the exploitation of groundwater for the protection of public drinking water sources in Maharahtra Posted on 01 Jun, 2009 02:05 PM

The Maharashtra groundwater (regulation for drinking water purposes) act, 1993, take protection measures for public drinking water sources such as prohibition of construction of wells within certain limits.

Karnataka groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) bill, 2006
The bill aims to regulate and control the development and management of groundwater through the constitution of groundwater authority in Karnataka Posted on 30 May, 2009 02:38 PM

The various functions and powers of the authority outlined in Karnataka groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) bill, 2006, are as follows -

Karnataka ground water (regulation for protection of sources of drinking water) act, 1999
The act is modeled on government of India’s model bill, 1990, for regulation of groundwater extraction and seeks to introduce regulatory measures to protect drinking water sources in rural areas Posted on 30 May, 2009 01:06 PM

The key points addressed in Karnataka ground water (regulation for protection of sources of drinking water) act, 1999, are -

Himachal Pradesh groundwater regulation and control of development and management act (2005) and rules (2006)
The act (2005) aims to regulate and control the development and management of groundwater resources in Himachal Pradesh. The rules (2006) are made to carry out the purpose of the act Posted on 30 May, 2009 11:48 AM

Himachal Pradesh groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) act, 2005

According to Himachal Pradesh groundwater (regulation and control of development and management) act, 2005  the state government shall, by notification in the official Gazette, establish an Authority to be known as “The Himachal Pradesh Ground Water Authority”.

Goa groundwater regulation act (2002)
The act aims to regulate and control the development of groundwater resources in the state through constitution of groundwater cell for carrying out the purposes of the act Posted on 30 May, 2009 10:31 AM

Having regard to the potential of availability of groundwater and other relevant factors, the government, in consultation with the cell, may declare, by notification, any area in the state as a scheduled area.

Andhra Pradesh water, land and trees act (2002)
The act allows appointment of authority at state, district and mandal level to promote water conservation, enhance tree cover and regulate exploitation of ground and surface water in state Posted on 30 May, 2009 10:03 AM

The Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Act, 2002 repealed the APWALTA Ordinance as well as the AP Ground Water (Regulation for Drinking Water Purposes) Act, 1996. Under this Act an Authority has been constituted at the State, District and Mandal level and administrators for the same were to be appointed.

The modalities for the same appointment of the administrator, terms of office of the nominated members, resignation, removal from authority, allowances, constitution of the District and Mandal authority, meetings of the State, District and Mandal authorities have been worked out.

Model bill to regulate and control the development of groundwater by Ministry of Water Resources (1992, 1996 and 2005)
A model bill for groundwater regulation proposed by Ministry of Water Resources in 1992 and its revisions in 1996 and 2005 Posted on 30 May, 2009 09:29 AM

Model bill to regulate and control the development and management of ground water, 1992 

Water security for residents of apartments & gated communities in Bangalore - An article by SS Ranganathan
Bangalore has grown phenomenally over the last 25 years and the pleasant ‘rural scenery’of what once were the ‘outskirts’ of Bangalore has given way to forests or jungles of concrete. These are the multi-storeyed apartment complexes which have mushroomed all over, with gated communities making a break in this concrete jungle. One wonders where the residents of these complexes and communities will find the water to live a reasonably normal life. Posted on 29 May, 2009 04:27 PM

Mr. S.S. Ranganathan, author of this guest post, is a retired senior executive of Ion Exchange and currently a consultant based in Bangalore.

He can be reached at: , +91-9343734229


ITC Limited, Kolkata, implements integrated watershed development programme as a corporate initiative (2007)
A multifaceted inititative by ITC, Kolkata, covering 66,723 acres in 450 villages from 23 districts in 7 states Posted on 29 May, 2009 11:39 AM

This presentation deals with the Integrated Watershed Development Programme being implemented by ITC Limited, Kolkata.  Given that it is a large agro-based company with a pan-India presence, it is hardly surprising that ITC's soil and water conservation interventions are on a major scale, covering 66,723 acres in 450 villages from 23 districts in 7 states.

Groundwater quality of Indian states: information sheet from WaterAid and British Geological Survey
The purpose of the sheet is to provide guidance on targeting efforts on water-quality testing and to encourage further thinking on water quality issues Posted on 29 May, 2009 11:05 AM

GW quality India
