Drinking and other Domestic Uses

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December 21, 2022 While drinking water coverage in rural India has improved, has it also improved reliability and safety of drinking water? This CEEW brief explores and analyses the available data to find out.
Adequate and safe drinking water, a valuable resource in rural India (Image Source: McKay Savage via Wikimedia Commons)
December 16, 2022 In this article, we will understand how the WQM course is continuing to influence the needs of learners that come from diverse backgrounds. The course model also offers core insights to many others who would like to engage in a virtual training program.
During a WQM course, a field team member from INREM facilitating a demonstration
December 13, 2022 WaterAid India’s partnership with USAID and Gap Inc. benefits 2400 villages across 7 districts of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra

WaterAid has focused on establishing community-led water quality monitoring & surveillance (Image: Anil Gulati/India Water Portal Flickr)
August 19, 2022 Better access to clean water coupled with health education to bring about changes in behaviour are critical to prevent exposure to dangerous cholera bacteria that lurk in untreated waters.
The hidden threat of cholera in India (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
July 20, 2022 This study found a high concentration of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treatment plants in Delhi that were associated with increased risk of cancer.
What's in your tap water (Image Source: India Water Portal)
May 25, 2022 Enabling a culture of data sharing between programs and reuse of data
Participatory programs such as JJM require a large amount of village-level information on water (Image: Arpit Deomurar, FES)
Village steps up water revival effort
A temple trust revives an ancient stepwell, comes to the rescue of a water-starved village. Posted on 04 Jul, 2018 02:33 PM

Long before piped water supply became the norm, groundwater got extracted for use and rivers neglected, stepwells served as a major source of water for people.

Stepwell in front of Khedamata temple at Modi village. (Source: India Water Portal)
When solving one health problem triggers another
Studies reveal that efforts at guinea worm eradication have triggered the spread of hydrofluorosis in Rajasthan. Posted on 27 Jun, 2018 02:17 PM

Up until two decades ago, the main sources of drinking water in Rajasthan included surface water from perennial ponds, reservoirs, lakes, dams, rivers and streams with borewells and tubewells used sparingly and only in remote areas. All this changed when guinea worm infections started appearing in the state. 

A child drinks water from a hand pump. (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Atal Bhujal Yojana approved by World Bank
Policy matters this week Posted on 12 Jun, 2018 01:29 PM

World Bank approves Atal Bhujal Yojana to improve groundwater management

Groundwater is being exploited beyond measure in many blocks across India. (Picture courtesy: IWP Flickr)
Toilets need water, women suffer under ODF drive
Toilets in households have only increased the drudgery of village women as they have to fetch water from faraway sources for toilet use. Posted on 12 Jun, 2018 01:28 PM

Rajasthan is all geared up for the open defecation free (ODF) status well before the national deadline of October 2, 2019. According to the assistant engineer of the nagar parishad, Resha Singh, 4.75 lakh toilets have been constructed since October 2, 2014 in Alwar district which is about to be declared ODF.

Village women collect water for toilet use. (Photo by India Water Portal)
Study finds uranium in groundwater across 16 states
News this week Posted on 12 Jun, 2018 01:18 PM

Groundwater from aquifers across 16 states found to be contaminated with uranium

India's dependence on groundwater is very high across sectors. (Picture courtesy: Wikimedia Commons)
Alwar homes, farms and factories fight for water
Water conflict in Rajasthan’s Alwar district is not just between upstream and downstream users; it is also between users with domestic, agricultural and industrial needs. Posted on 07 Jun, 2018 11:46 AM

Lewari, a village located around 17 km from Alwar in Rajasthan, is the site of a water conflict these days. “The production of Jayanti jaljeera, haazme ka lalantop drink (a digestive drink) has left our village parched,” says Nanak Singh, a resident.

Operation of sluice outlet of Siliserh lake is marked by chaos and conflict among various interest groups.
Cauvery Water Management Authority comes into being
Policy matters this week Posted on 05 Jun, 2018 07:22 AM

Union government constitutes the Cauvery Water Management Authority 

The contentious Cauvery (Picture courtesy: NDTV)
Delhi to amicably settle water dispute with Haryana
News this week Posted on 05 Jun, 2018 07:14 AM

Delhi Jal Board decides to withdraw all cases against Haryana to amicably settle water dispute

The parched Yamuna (Photo courtesy: The Indian Express)
Thane creek flamingo sanctuary formally notified
Policy matters this week Posted on 29 May, 2018 12:07 PM

Maharashtra government notifies Thane creek as flamingo sanctuary

Thane Creek hosts a variety of migratory birds. (Picture courtesy: The Indian Express)
Water supply crisis hits Shimla hard
News this week Posted on 29 May, 2018 11:55 AM

Shimla reels under severe water crunch

No water supply for seven consecutive days in Shimla leaves residents angry. (Photo courtesy: The Hindu)